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Teseo. Hezkuntza - Hezkuntza Saila - Eusko Jaurlaritza - - Estadistika datuak. Sarbidea. KontaktuaLaguntzaMapaErabilerraztasunaEgoitza elektronikoa Hizkuntza PolitikaKulturaBilatzaileaEgitura eta eginkizunakZerbitzuakArloak Hemen zaude:Hasiera Bilaketa Aurreratua <a href="/AV/r01gBannerVA/eu/r43-bnnVisualArea7248_1.html" title="Banner">[Banner]</a> <a href="/AV/r01gBannerVA/eu/r43-bnnVisualArea7249_1.html" title="Banner">[Banner]</a> <a href="/AV/r01gBannerVA/eu/r43-bnnVisualArea7250_1.html" title="Banner">[Banner]</a> Informazio orokorra / Hezkuntza-sistemari buruzko estatistika Ikastetxeen helbidetegia (2013-2014ko matrikulako datuekin eguneratua) Estatistika datuak Matrikula datuak (2013-2014 ikasturteko datuekin eguneratua).

Hezkuntza - Hezkuntza Saila - Eusko Jaurlaritza - - Estadistika datuak. Sarbidea

Lotura interesgarriak Lege informazioa © 2004 · Eusko Jaurlaritza - Gobierno Vasco.


ERIC. Aldizkariak. RTI. Euskaleskola. Curriculuma. TPCK - Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge - TPCK. BAC. TWIOP. SIOP. UNED. American Approach to CLIL - BEP Network - Our Head Office. Fundación Telefónica: Educación / Proniño / Debate y Conocimiento / Voluntariado / Arte y tecnología. Divulgamos el conocimiento A través de la generación y divulgación del conocimiento, creamos, difundimos y compartimos el conocimiento cultural y tecnológico generado a partir de los usos, formatos y contenidos digitales.

Fundación Telefónica: Educación / Proniño / Debate y Conocimiento / Voluntariado / Arte y tecnología

Organizamos investigaciones, conferencias y congresos con autores internacionales consolidados como referentes. Asímismo, impulsamos la creación artística contemporánea relacionada con la tecnología, a través de concursos internacionales, y conservamos y gestionamos el patrimonio artístico y tecnológico de Telefónica. Impulsamos el conocimiento mediante nuestras publicaciones, y acercando las exposiciones de arte a los diferentes públicos con fines educativos. Presentaciones en linea.


Lurantsutan. Internet Catalogue. CLIL 2010 Conference Blog and CLIL Café. Conv_nacional_2011.pdf (application/pdf Object) Grant Information: Resources to Get You Started. Updated: 01/2014 The George Lucas Educational Foundation is a nonprofit operating foundation and is not a grant-making organization.

Grant Information: Resources to Get You Started

We encourage visitors seeking grants or grant information to check our resource list below. You might also consider contacting local community foundations, service organizations and businesses in your area, or your state department of education, which may provide school site-based grants in support of educational technology. And be sure to check out the webinar archive, "The Fundamentals of Funding: How to Identify, Write, and Submit Grants for School and Program Initiatives.

" Websites with Grant Information | Periodicals with Grant Information | Corporate and Foundation Grants | Government Grants | Technology Donation Programs Websites with Grant Information FastWeb The largest online scholarship search available, with 1.3 million scholarships representing over three billion in scholarship dollars.

Email: Phone: (212) 351-7000 FastWeb, 444 N. Linguistic Coverage. There are thousands of languages spoken world-wide, ranging from the pervasive English language to more localised dialects spoken only in small areas of the world, with many widely spoken languages in between.

Linguistic Coverage

Few identity matching processes can afford to ignore the wide-ranging influencing that language diversity has on global naming practices. Linguistic Search Solutions have brought together a dedicated team of computational linguists to determine the most efficient and accurate way to match names from key languages and scripts from around the world. Languages and language groups currently supported include: English, French, German, Scandinavian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian and other Slavic languages, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Japanese, Korean, Malay / Indonesian, Thai, various languages of India, Persian, Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, Hausa and Swahili. Teaching through Basque ...

The Education Alliance at Brown University : The Two-Way Immersion Toolkit.

Research method