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Embedded Business Solution is a collaborative effort of retail technology enthusiasts who wish to transform the retail sector through automation.

Tips for Starting a Successful Bakery. Have you been waiting to turn your baking passion into thriving business, but are not sure where to begin?

Tips for Starting a Successful Bakery

Well, if you are planning to go the entrepreneurial way, it is worth knowing that making to-die-for desserts is only a part of the game. The other part involves planning and strategizing, just like any other business. To help you make a choice, here’s a complete rundown on the baking industry. Keep reading to know about useful tips to plan, setup and run a successful bakery. Know The Type There are four types of bakeries, so, you have to be realistic about your ability, resources and business goals in order to make the right choice. Online bakery: This one puts the least burden on your resources.

Write A Business Plan The next step involves preparing a blueprint. Pick A Location Wisely Choose a place that suits your business needs. Take Care Of Operations Contact the vendors you want to deal with and discuss the delivery options and schedules with them. Marketing. Twirll Point of Sale for retails Solutions. Point of Sale Vs Point of Purchase. An increasing number of retail display options are now available for retailers, which may make it confusing for both the seller and the buyer.

Point of Sale Vs Point of Purchase

Though one might be tempted to think that there is not much to compare while talking about point of sale vs. point of purchase, there are a fair number of subtle differences, in fact. We live in an era of multi channel retailing, in which promotional strategies include both POS and POP activities. Things are constantly evolving in this world, which also means that you need to look at virtual shopping carts, in case you haven’t already done so. How to Save Your Restaurant Sale From Coronavirus (COVID-19) It’s getting difficult for businesses especially in the hospitality industry to grow or maintain sales in current coronavirus fear.

How to Save Your Restaurant Sale From Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Due to this pandemic restaurants may see less diners coming to the restaurant. How To Boost Your Retail Store Sales. The story of Robert Ilijason It was the middle of night in a small, sleepy Swedish village of Viken.

How To Boost Your Retail Store Sales

After accidentally dropping the last jar of baby food to the floor, Robert Ilijason drove around the town for 12 miles in search of a convenience store that remained open at night. Frustrated by the ordeal, he then decided to open a shop that remains open round-the-clock, and thus, was born the first 24*7 smart store in Sweden. The specialty of this store is it does not have even a single staff and is entirely automated. The only thing that the customers need is a smartphone, in order to enter the store and carry out the transactions. Top E-Commerce Strategies To Grow Your Business.

Your arrangements for the New Year call for developing your organization's income in 2020, yet where will your expanded deals originated from a bigger sales force, new markets, or item advancement?

Top E-Commerce Strategies To Grow Your Business

The conceivable wellspring of new clients will be online business. The inquiry is the means by which independent ventures can catch a lot of the online business blast. Here are Top e-commerce procedures you should plan to actualize in 2020: 1. Miniaturized scale Target an Online Audience. 2. 3. 4. 5. Run Your Entire Business From Mobile. If you have a brilliant business idea and are raring to go through with it, but finances are putting a damper on your start-up aspirations, read on to find out how smartphones are the simplest solutions to all your entrepreneurial dreams.

Run Your Entire Business From Mobile

Thanks to the new-age mobile technology, you do not need a physical store to run your business! All you need is a smartphone and cutting-edge mobile apps such as Twirll. Or even if you already have a storefront, you can manage it better with these smartphone-enabled technologies mentioned below. M-commerce: the way of the future. Twirll Inventory Management - Training Video.

Benefits of Integrated E-commerce Platform. As the years go by, the e-commerce business is getting bigger.

Benefits of Integrated E-commerce Platform

Whether it is electronics or different FMCG products, consumers are making deliberate online shopping efforts, one of which is the review of the product or service, and the other is convenience. What is The Future Of Point of Sale System. In case you're at present looking for a POS system or you're thinking about moving up to a more up to date framework, recognizing what the present patterns in the business are and what alternatives are accessible can assist you with picking the most ideal framework for your business.

What is The Future Of Point of Sale System

Many individuals are reluctant to proceed onward from their present POS basically on the grounds that it was a critical speculation, and for absence of a superior term, they're "trapped" with it. In such cases, shippers regularly need to attempt to shoehorn an installments joining with these frameworks or essentially simply dismiss the thought of overhauling or streamlining their POS frameworks. All things considered, these dealers may not know, or more terrible, may not think about what benefits they could be passing up with an advanced POS application running close by their installments.

Benefits of E-Commerce Over Traditional Retail. Overcome geographical boundaries If you have a physical store, you are limited by geographical area that you can serve.

Benefits of E-Commerce Over Traditional Retail

With an e-commerce platform, the whole world is your playground. Additionally, the advent of e-commerce on m-commerce, i.e., mobile devices, has dissolved every remaining boundary of geography. Get new customers with search engine visibility Physical retail is driven by branding and relationships. Twirll Cloud Customer Case Study of PalaceOnStreet. Restaurant Inventory Management Tips. To manage your supplies and food inventory requires diligence, but when done correctly, you can reduce food wastage and save money.

Restaurant Inventory Management Tips

Below we take you through 7 tips to ensure successful inventory management. 1. Use a POS System, and Take Inventory by Hand A POS system offers many advantages, including data forecasting, order planning reports, integrated accounting, and automated inventory tracking based on customer orders. However, it is not responsible for other sources of inventory loss, such as spoilage, outbreaks, inefficient or incorrect food or beverage preparation, customer complaint resolution and theft.

Unless the information is manually entered, a POS system is unable to take into account the above scenarios. 2. 4. Best POS System for Restaurant Business. Top 10 Advantages of Point of Sale. There are many points of sale profit and profit for your business, especially when compared to a traditional cash register.

If your business still uses electronic cash registers (ECRs) and credit card terminals, at some point you are probably considered an upgrade to the full sales center (POS) system. However, if you have hesitated in the past, there is no better time to upgrade than this. Benefits of Integrated E-commerce Platform. Benefits of Restaurant Kitchen Order Systems - Twirll. You do not have to have a quick-service restaurant or have a huge kitchen to benefit from the restaurant's kitchen order system (KDS), also known as the kitchen display system.

In fact, restaurants of all shapes and sizes can derive value from the operational benefits that touchscreen kitchen display systems provide. We have compiled the six most important benefits of using the kitchen order system in your restaurant. In particular, we elaborate on the ways that a KDS can save your restaurant time and money by promoting communication and efficiency in your front and back home. 1. Accurately Track Fulfillment Times The KDS screen will track the time it takes your kitchen staff to complete each ticket. Why do you need a POS System in a Restaurant. POS stands for Point of Sale, a system used throughout the restaurant and retail industry. This computerized system allows business owners to track sales, cash flow, food inventory and can help simplify your bookkeeping. 4 Major Benefits of Mobile POS for Restaurants. Do you have limited space - or is your restaurant often crowded?

Do you need mobility? Do you value new technology? If so, a mobile point of sale solution should be a consideration for your restaurant. Mobile POS for restaurant devices can be connected wirelessly to your existing hardware and integrated with your existing software to revitalize your business. Your restaurant can empower its employees to play a more active role in the transaction.

Research shows that customers want to see new technology incorporated into their restaurant experiences. Today's top restaurants are using mobile POS (MPOS) with their stable POS system to streamline service and maximize opportunities. 1. Benefits of Restaurant Management Software. From managing customers to providing superb food, ambiance and ensuring quality, running a restaurant or a small cafe is a pain in the neck.

Attention to detail is not easy in ensuring consistent quality, revenue, and profit. While restaurant owners are lured by architectural designers to give that perfect atmosphere and a cozy atmosphere, they mostly ignore the most important aspect of running this business; Restaurant Management. Investing in a great environment, environment and food quality will certainly go a long way in growing restaurants, investment in technology also plays an equally important role in it. Twirll Kitchen Display System (KDS): The One Stop Solution for Busy Restaurants. Benefits of CRM for ECommerce and Retail Business.

With the rapid growth of eCommerce stores and m-shopping in recent years, CRM technology has made a progressive development in the B2C space. Most major CRM solution providers have recognized the emergence of the e-commerce industry as one of the hottest business models, and are now offering scores of customized features for the industry. How to Choose Perfect Mobile POS System - mPOS. Benefits of CRM software for Small Business Owners. The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is designed to streamline your business processes by involving your customers and potential customers. Benefits of Point of Sale (POS) Systems for Retail Business. Things to Consider When Choosing a Retail POS. Whether you are setting up a retail business for the first time, or you are an experienced businessman, having the right POS is essential to your success.

Top 10 Advantages of Point of Sale. How Businesses Can Scale Up. Lately, we have been discussing a great deal of small businesses and trying to understand ways through which they can scale their business. In order to to get a better vantage point on the SME market, we have also met various business owners, of late. While the businesses have displayed great enthusiasm and an ambition to grow, we have observed that a lack of focus on three crucial fronts waylays their efforts and encumbers their growth, namely: Core product and services of businessCustomer ExperienceCustomer Insight Core Product And Services Of Business: Businesses should focus most of their resources on delivering quality products and services to their customer.

For example, quality of food should be the core focus of a restaurant and for retail, selling quality products should be the priority, and so on. The first step is to identify the tangential tasks which are not core to the business. Benefits of Point of Sale (POS) Systems for Small Businesses. 8 Mantras for Successful E-commerce Business. The digital world is an ocean of opportunities and you can strike gold if you know where to look. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true. The digital world is vast and it is as easy to slip into the realm of obscurity. 5 Main Reasons Why New E-Commerce Businesses Fail So Easily. Why platforms which only deliver E-commerce websites cannot make your business successful. Importance of run an entire business on one single technology platform. 8 Inventory Metrics Every Retailer Needs to Know - Twirll.

Time is money, and in this case, inventory metrics also mean money. One needs to make the best stock decisions to positively shape one’s business. At the end of the day, business data is vital to generate actionable insights, and this data can be used for effective inventory management. While explaining the above in greater detail, it must be mentioned that inventory metrics act as accurate indicators of stock control, allowing you to see how stock impact every small component of your business.

Using inventory management techniques, you shall be able to compare your operational performance against industry standards and then benchmark the same over time. In order to do this, you need to compulsorily know the following inventory metrics: 1. Point of Sale Vs Point of Purchase. Importance of run an entire business on one single technology platform. Run an Entire Business on One Single Technology Platform. Twirll Email Campaign solution Demo. Get Maximum Return on Investment (ROI) by Running on One Single Business Solution.

Why is digitization so important for business growth? Why customer feedback is important for business? Retail Point of Sale Software - Free 14 Day Trial. Get the best Point of Sale software for your business. Manage your entire retail business with web & mobile based point of sale system. How to choose the best Inventory Management software? How to Increase Sales using your POS Reports? Best Ecommerce Platform for Online Business 2019. Best Point of Sale Software in India. Best Point of Sale Software in India. Point of sale software that's easy to use. All the features you need for modern retail. Try Twirll POS software free for 14 days. Twirll- Best Ecommerce Platform with Integrated POS and Inventory Management. Best Order Management Software 2019, Easily track and fulfill orders and automatically synchronize your inventory with Twirll order management software. Get started with a free trial! Visit at

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Twirll- Best Ecommerce Platform with Integrated POS and Inventory Management. Digital Solution For Business To Automate , Run And Grow. Twirll- Best Ecommerce Platform with Integrated POS and Inventory Management. POS Software- Retail Point of Sale Software for your Business.