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Prototype JS Library

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How Prototype extends the DOM. Prototype's DOM extensions set it apart from other JavaScript libraries.

How Prototype extends the DOM

Prototype adds many convenience methods to elements returned by the $() function: for instance, you can write $('comments').addClassName('active').show() to get the element with the ID 'comments', add a class name to it and show it (if it was previously hidden). The 'comments' element didn't have those methods in native JavaScript; how is this possible? API.Prototype API Documentation. Prototype Examples, tutorials, free source code , web design, scripts ajax for free. This prototype example shows you how to drag and drop popups windows in your web site. jQuery plugin for displaying photos as slideshow with fancy transition effects.

Prototype Examples, tutorials, free source code , web design, scripts ajax for free

IT is compatible and fully tested with Firefox 2+, Internet Explorer 6+ , Google Chrome 3+, Safari 2+, Opera 9+. You don't have to worry about the images you upload on the server, All image processing is done by the script. All images for the skimmer graphics and the fullsize view will be created on the fly and stored in a cache directory on the server to save processing power on the server. JSValidate is a form validator that utilizes aspects of the Prototype and Scriptaculous library to bring you a simple to execute, non-intrusive JavaScript form validator.

Easy Ajax and DOM manipulation for dynamic web applications.