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Wonder Woman’s Secret Past. The Wonder Woman Family Museum occupies a one-room bunker beneath a two-story house on a hilly street in Bethel, Connecticut.

Wonder Woman’s Secret Past

It contains more than four thousand objects. Their arrangement is higgledy-piggledy. There are Wonder Woman lunchboxes, face masks, coffee mugs, a Frisbee, napkins, record-players, T-shirts, bookends, a trailer-hitch cover, plates and cups, pencils, kites, and, near the floor, a pressed-aluminum cake mold, her breasts like cupcakes. CR3wi.jpg (JPEG Image, 955 × 1273 pixels) - Scaled (78%)

Wedding ring

Borderline. Travel. Auto repair. Paul gift. New job. How Can I Get Large Companies to Pay Attention to the Little Guy (aka, Me)? Exercise. How to Extreme Coupon & Save on Groceries: Extreme Couponing 101. English. Romney's empty 'binders full of women' Romney's "binders full of women" debate remark is a viral phenomenonMaria Cardona: He avoided the real question about rectifying women's inequalityCardona: "Binders" comment shows how out of touch Romney is with women's issuesCardona: The story and his claims about hiring women in Massachusetts are false Editor's note: Maria Cardona is a Democratic strategist, a principal at the Dewey Square Group, a former senior adviser to Hillary Clinton and former communications director for the Democratic National Committee.

Romney's empty 'binders full of women'

(CNN) -- Mitt Romney showed up Tuesday night talking about "binders full of women" being brought to him when he was governor. Sounds kind of kinky and certainly not something you want to be touting. The phrase was part of Romney's answer to a question from an audience member at the second presidential debate about how he would "rectify the inequalities in the workplace. "

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