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GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Administration Guide. Installing Glassfish 3.0.1 on Ubuntu. By Nabi Zamani November 03rd, 2010 (Last update: January 15th, 2011) This Tutorial will explain how to install a Glassfish 3.0.1 Server on an Ubuntu Server. It will also cover some but not all security concerns. The steps have been executed successfully on both Ubuntu 8.04 LTS and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server edition (64-bit). But it should also work for later versions (also for desktop versions). I have tested everything by using Parallels Virtual Machines - you might want to use Virtual Machines as well. Table of contents: Creating this tutorial meant a lot of effort. 1. Before you start doing anything you should think about a security concept.

Glassfish allows some of the configuration tasks to be managed via a web based Administration GUI. Usually you want to run Glassfish on port 80. You should make sure that you do not block other important ports, for example your ssh port which usually runs on port 22. Now we have created a lot of rules. 2.

The next step is to set up Java. 3. 4. 5. 6. Glassfish 3.1 – Clustering Tutorial « The JavaDude Weblog. Glassfish Clustering, after being absent from version 3, made its re-debut after 2.1 in the current version 3.1 I was eager to get my hands on and tried to make sense of some information from various sources (see reference). Clustering is quite a sophisticated subject, which you dont need to cover during development time, but at some stage (deployment to production) you better off knowing how it works and verify your application runs in the clustering environment.

I compiled the most essential steps in this instant-15min-tutorial creating the most simple cluster: 2 nodes with 1 instance each, 1 node also runs the DAS. Glassfish Cluster Prerequisites: 2 Glassfish 3.1 installations. Limitations and Remarks: Ubuntu Linux is used for both host and guest server systems. Tutorial: Create 2 server instances I installed 2 Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server running in Virtualbox (link), added the last JDK and the Glassfish zip (link).

Sample application on 2 nodes Appendix Virtualbox creating 2 identical instances. Glassfish V3 Resources with the Administration CLI tool (asadmin) I just updated the Cejug-Classifieds Project to support Maven 2 builds and I added some new features, including a Shell Script able to configure the resources and also to deploy the the application in the Glassfish V3. The script creates all Java EE resources required by the application, like the DataSource, the JavaMail connection and the JMS Queues. In the next sections I will describe how to create each of this resources using the "Glassfish's Administration CLI tool" (the asadmin command line). After executing the instructions below you should check the resources of your Glassfish accessing and then navigate in the left pane to find each resource. You can also use the impressive Admin GUI of Glassfish to modify the resources you created through the line commands or even create the resources directly in the Admin GUI.

Creating a DataSource resource with asadmin Data Sources are the resource you need to connect your Java EE Application to a database. Summary. TIP: log asadmin commands. I don't think I've seen this tip mentioned before in blogs or documentation and yet have had the request from different users and customers. If you want to log all the asadmin commands, simply set the AS_LOGFILE environment variable to the name of a file. If you think this should be the default behavior, file an issue (with "3.2" as the "Fix Version"). I'll vote for it! If you're trying to troubleshoot asadmin (or simply curious) you can set export AS_DEBUG=true to obtain a chatty output. Updating Installed Components (Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Administration Guide) - Sun Microsystems. Adding Components (Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Administration Guide) - Sun Microsystems.

Removing Installed Components (Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Administration Guide) - Sun Microsystems. BLOG - Coming up for Air. Configuring Security for GlassFish REST Interface : Rajeshwar's Weblog. GlassFishREST Interface supports basic authentication over secure channel. GlassFish REST inerface is exposed through admin adapter. To enable authentication, you need to define admin-realm user. You can define admin-realm user using any of the following. Note: By default only anonymous is defined in admin-realm and anonymous user may not require password. Add user using Admin Console To add user using Admin Console follow these steps. 1. Start GlassFish and Admin Console. Add user using asadminClient 1. Once you defined the admin-realm user, you need that user name and its password to access REST interface. To enable SSL, you need to enable security for admin-listener. Enable Security using asadmin client 1.

To summarize, we can secure REST interface access through basic authentication over secure channel by defining new admin-realm user and enabling security for admin-listener.