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Comment rendre tous vos objectifs accessibles (+ fiches pratiques) Vous vous êtes fixé des objectifs aussi grands, beaux et forts que vous. Vous savez où vous voulez aller, ce que vous voulez accomplir. Vous avez en tête une image précise de la personne que vous voulez devenir ! Yeah ! Maintenant il ne vous reste qu’à prendre le temps de travailler à leur réalisation. En général, quand vous arrivez à ce moment précis, il se passe deux choses : Vous vous sentez accablé par l’ampleur de la tâche qui vous attend. . … Poursuivi par une monstrueuse liste de to-do et d’obligations, vous prenez peur, ne savez plus où donner de la tête, et vous partez dans la mauvaise direction (ex. celle de l’inaction et du train-train habituel).

Si vous aussi vous souffrez occasionnellement du syndrome de la “petite fille complètement flippée”, la suite devrait vous plaire. Comment rester concentré sur vos objectifs ? Pour éviter de paniquer devant l’ampleur de la tâche, on va d’abord fragmenter votre bel objectif en plusieurs étapes. Prêt ? Diviser, pour mieux régner. 4 steps to aligning your goals with your actions. In our previous article we offered you some advice that can help us to keep our motivation on a high level, which is, in a nutshell: Prioritization of our goals and deciding which objectives will bring us the greatest value,Keeping our tasks small and constantly tracking our progress,Small but persistent changes will bring us, significant, long-term results,Always ask ourselves why we want to achieve this goal, what the purpose is and what result we expect after accomplishing this particular goal.

And last but not least, when we have achieved our goal we can not forget about celebrating, which will help us to pause and really reflect on what we’ve used our time and energy for. This embracing of our success can act as a wonderful incentive to keep moving on with our important work. Discover your long-term priorities with SWOT Of course you may want to take a shortcut and skip this step by moving immediately to the process of listing your goals, but we do not recommend this approach. Summary: Zapier.stfi. Sometimes my task list is too overwhelming. I want to take a big step back and look at my week or month ahead and really visualize what's coming up, rather than plowing through a list of to-do items. It can be tricky to "zoom out" and understand how your task list fits into your overall schedule, but I've found visual representations can really help.

I have a couple of favorites, but in case they don't work for you I've rounded up a whole bunch of methods you can try to visualize what you have to get through. Put It On the Wall If you can get away with sticking things to the wall (cheap rental paint tends to come off easily, so I can't always use these methods), you can keep your tasks visible all the time. Butcher Paper A cheap, simple option is to just get some butcher paper and markers. I like using colorful markers to give my paper a bit of character. Whiteboard Covey Priority Matrix I mentioned the Covey priority matrix in my recent post about prioritizing your tasks.