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Taylor & Francis Online. The Wolfgang Frese Survey Research Laboratory | Social Science Research Center. The Wolfgang Frese Survey Research Laboratory The Survey Research Laboratory (SRL) at the Social Science Research Center has been conducting scientifically-based survey research for over 30 years. Using local, state, and national samples, the laboratory has collected data for over 600 research projects. For telephone-based surveys, the SRL maintains a state-of-the-art call center with 30 interviewer call stations. The laboratory utilizes a robust CATI (computer-assisted-telephone-interviewing) system and the data collection process is based on rigorous sampling methodology.

Survey Research Laboratory Website For more information please contact: John F. Department of Art and Art History | Digital Media Art. DMA Area Coordinator Andrew Blanton About the Digital Media Art Program The Digital Media Art (DMA) program at San Jose State University is a multidisciplinary degree offering a digital art and design curriculum in the areas of computer graphics, web development, programming, physical computing, fabrication, prototyping, interactivity and computer games. Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, the DMA program is dedicated to the advancement of contemporary technologies through research and experimentation at the intersection of art and science.

The BFA Concentration in Digital Media Art teaches technical, creative, and critical thinking skills to empower our students as problem solvers and innovators in the field of digital technology. DMA operates several labs including the CADRE Physical Computing Lab and the DMA Game Design Lab providing research based pedagogy in microcircuits, fabrication and prototyping, computer games and interactive programming. School of Art | University of Washington. Communication Design : School of Art and Design : Texas State University. BFA in Communication Design The Communication Design Program is one of the largest public programs in the country and considered to be one of the best within the Southwest United States. The goal of the program is to create a stimulating learning environment for students where they can pursue their specific interests within four areas of professional study: graphic design, art direction, interactive media, and illustration. In addition to the general course work, Communication Design students are encouraged to participate in local, regional, national and international design competitions, serve as an intern to a professional practice, join Communication Design student organizations, and attend visiting professional lectures and exhibitions.

Communication Design students have received recognition in many prestigious design journals by having their work published in CMYK, Step Inside Design, Graphis New Talent Annual, and PRINT. Curriculum. FCJ-045 Reshaping Spectatorship: Immersive and Distributed Aesthetics | The Fibreculture Journal : 07. Edwina Bartlem University of Melbourne, Australia On the surface, discourses of immersive aesthetics and distributed aesthetics may appear incongruous. The terms evoke different media, creative processes and modes of audience engagement. On one side stands the ideal of immersive aesthetics in Virtual Reality (VR) art and screen-based installation. On the other side, shimmers the fluid ideal of distributed and dispersed aesthetics that circulate around discourses of I will focus on the ways in which these artworks immerse the viewer in states of perceptual and cognitive transition in order to argue that networked art, along with VR art, can generate immersive experiences in the viewer.

Defining Immersion What is immersion? In contrast to Huhtamo and others, I maintain that immersive aesthetics, especially in relation to immersive art, does not simply facilitate pure escapism into a hyper-real environment. Immersion & VR Embodied Immersion: Osmose and Ephémère Extending the Body. Videogames, Interactivity, and Art. The Current State-of-art in Newspaper Digitization: A Market Perspective. "Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets.

" Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) Background In the last few years, as digitization has gradually moved from an experimental and temporal activity towards one that is structural and continuous, mass digitization projects have been gaining ground.1 Almost simultaneously with the 'coming-of-age' of digitization, an increasing number of large-scale newspaper digitization projects (Austria, Australia, Belgium, Finland, Chili, Sweden, New Zealand, USA) have emerged.2 Because newspapers appeal to a large audience and in many cases remain inaccessible to a large degree, it is no surprise that many institutions decide to digitize their newspaper collections first.

Digitization and web delivery makes these collections available to a worldwide audience. Optical character recognition (OCR) technology – in spite of its shortcomings – offers better search-and-retrieval functionality than has been possible before. Market parties 1. VCDMA · Bowie State University. The Visual Communication and Digital Media Arts (VCDMA) enables and empowers students for a career in visual communication and media arts.

Students who follow this concentration are introduced to opportunities in graphic design, digital filmmaking, animation, fashion design, digital art and imaging, and multimedia. The VCDMA program offers (5) five concentrations in Advertising Design, Animation & Motion Graphics, Digital Cinema & Time-Based Media, Digital Media Arts and Fashion Design. What You Will Learn By choosing a program that merges art, design, digital media production, technology and business/marketing, you will be prepared to enter a vast number of careers and industries. The VCDMA program strengthens itself through strategic partnerships with departments and programs on campus as well as professional organizations and networking outside of the university.

Careers The field of visual communication is a successful and expanding industry. Additional Program Information Facilities. Welcome to Communication University of China. Digital Art History. 100k Factory Revolution Art history is the aesthetic indication of the typical link that attaches us to the past, the present day as well as the future. Every artwork I run into has a tale to outline the moment, individuals, the culture as well as the globe at large which broadens my point of view regarding the globe I am residing in and my location in it.

My journey worldwide of art background is a very personal one that has given me a feeling of belonging of the digital art history. By studying the history of art, I not only find the details of different societies from background, I additionally discover the common link that bonds all of us together as human beings. St. Polyeuktos was clearly not the very first artwork that I experienced to get me curious about this kind of research as well as Byzantine art is not the only concentration I have an interest in, when it concerns art background, I am not differentiating, I will certainly take it all in. Curating + research. » Transitioning to a Digital World: Art History, its Research Centers, and Digital Scholarship Journal of Digital Humanities. Diane M. Zorich The following is excerpted from a report written for The Samuel H.

Kress Foundation and the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, George Mason University. The full report can be found at the Kress Foundation Website (PDF). Introduction The increasing use of digital technologies in research, publication and teaching has spurred change in many disciplines. Digital teaching … has stimulated the development and application of tools to simulate and enhance the experience of viewing art and architecture in new ways….

A question that emerges from the new opportunities afforded by digital teaching and research is the role art history research centers play in this process. Another factor to be considered is the perspective of art historians. The Art History Research Center in Context The discipline of art history is supported by an infrastructure of universities, libraries, archives, museums, publishers, funding agencies, professional associations, and research centers. Research in Media Lab - Median laitos. Research Department | Emily Carr University. Research gets results. We are global leaders in dedicated research for studio-based art, design, and media. Our network of researchers, faculty, students, and industry partners benefits from Emily Carr University’s evolving suite of state-of-the-art digital technologies. Together, we advance knowledge in unique fields, pursue interdisciplinary experimentation, and develop and enhance projects in all disciplines.

Graduate students have full access to our resources and facilities. Undergraduate students access projects and opportunities through our Centres' Directors and their collaborative industry projects. Emily Carr University Faculty also pursue practice-based research in clusters and collaborations through the research area. Research at Emily Carr supports significant initiatives and projects by organizing secure research infrastructure and funding, and clearly communicating results to the broader community. Visit Research microsite Inquire Subscribe Funding for Research. Creative Media Institute for Film and Digital Arts | New Mexico State University. Art & Technology | An area of study in the Department of Art.

Art & Technology is an interdisciplinary area of study focused on the creative use, misuse and investigation of technology through art making. Graduate and Undergraduate Students and faculty in this research area explore the relationship between art, science and technology with project-based learning, creating interactive installations, inventing electronic objects and interfaces, producing moving image and 3D animations, 3D modeling / rapid prototyping, art games, virtual reality, hacking, bio-art, tactical media, digital imaging, holography, internet art, sound, and emerging experimental forms. Our curriculum is designed to help students invent and discover new forms of art – science, while developing an individual aesthetic and artistic vision through understanding conceptual, theoretical, and historical art – science frameworks, while critically engaging the use of technology. See student 3D animations and videos.

Many of our courses are open to non-art majors. Art & Technology | An area of study in the Department of Art. Review of the State of the Art of the Digital Curation of Research Data - Opus. Kress Foundation | Transitioning to a Digital World: Art History, Its Research Centers, and Digital Scholarship. The Kress Foundation has a longstanding interest in art history research centers both here and abroad. For half a century the Foundation has supported the important programs of many such centers, most notably through our institutional pre-doctoral art history fellowship program.

Kress also has a strong interest in the emerging digital humanities, and especially in digital art history. In order to help us all understand better the current state of digital art history and how it relates to our traditional art history research centers, we have sponsored a study of the subject. In partnership with the Roy Rosenweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University – a key mode in the emerging network of the digital humanities under the inspired leadership of Daniel Cohen – we invited Diane Zorich to undertake this study.

Executive Summary In 2011, the Samuel H. Download a PDF version of the report Copyright Information Back to Directory. Corporate Entrepreneurship: State-of-the-Art Research and a Future Research Agenda - Corbett - 2013 - Journal of Product Innovation Management. Departamento de Investigación y Posgrado en Alimentos. Campus Virtuales.