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Ecuador: How to Balance the Rights of Indigenous & Local Communities With Economic Development? OSCAR LEÓN, TRNN PRODUCER: Indigenous communities and the affected local communities have opposed this mining initiative for many years now and have protested against it all around the country. This has led to a split between Correa, ecologists, some student groups, and the indigenous confederations, all of which were his former allies. Correa has inherited a long-standing challenge to regulate artisanal mining, and in many cases he has assumed the unpopular task of imposing mega mining projects to some local communities, like this one in San Jose de Intag, Imbabura Province, in the north of Ecuador. The local population is also worried about the consequences of an open pit mine. CECILIA, LOCAL FARMER (SUBTITLED TRANSL.): I visited Cerro de Pasco, where they extract copper from an open pit mine.

Every day, houses fall into the hole, which keeps getting bigger and bigger. JAIME R. As an environmental sciences professional, I can't deny that an open pit mine will have an impact. No more! Ecuador election: President Rafael Correa wins. 18 February 2013Last updated at 01:42 ET Rafael Correa thanked his supporters outside the presidential palace Ecuador's President Rafael Correa has been re-elected for a third term with more than 50% of the vote. His main challenger has admitted defeat. Addressing his supporters in the capital, Quito, Mr Correa called for "another four years of revolution". First elected in 2007, the socialist leader is widely credited with bringing political stability to a nation that suffered decades of protests and coups. But critics accuse Mr Correa of being a dictator in the making. The 49-year-old US-trained economist has been accused of implementing policies that have served to strengthen his hold on power and erode the influence of political opponents and private media.

But his so-called "citizens' revolution" has made him popular with many ordinary Ecuadoreans and has won him friends among other Latin American left-wing leaders. 'Ecuadoreans in charge' President Correa was quick to claim victory. RANDOM THOUGHTS AFTER SIX MONTHS IN CUENCA - Access Ecuador. Blog |