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Turkey Talent, Inc.

Turkey Talent Inc. is the largest English language job search portal, servicing the needs of Employers and Job Seekers, was formed to connect the right people with the best careers in Turkey. Providing an opportunity for potential employees to showcase their talent and for employers to profile their opportunities to attract the best talent, is the largest English language online job listings portal in Turkey.

Turkeytalent. 11 Most Common Excuses That Prevent You Becoming Great. Becoming great is something every upright mind desires, except for those who already are.

11 Most Common Excuses That Prevent You Becoming Great

Achieving your goals and seeing to it that you have gotten to the level you have always craved for, can be quite a good feeling. Knowing that you are on top of your own league gives you some sense of confidence and courage. But do you become great so easy? NO! Reaching on top requires a huge sacrifice. If not, you will only become an easy prey to the 11 most common excuses that prevent you from becoming great: 1.

Who is ever good enough to do anything? 2. Most people think that having some connections to influential people in a particular field is what they need for them to become great. Most influential people (not all) will want most aspiring beginners firmly held under their wing. 3. This is the most favorite excuse for many sleeping giants out there. And who doesn’t want to be more productive than he thinks? You don’t get pure gold if you don’t pass it through furnace. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The 9 Career Advice Tips Everyone Needs to Hear.

The Best Jobs in Turkey That Expats have a Higher Chance of Getting. Finding a job in Turkey may not be that easy especially if you are not well informed about the main positions that are available.

The Best Jobs in Turkey That Expats have a Higher Chance of Getting

Before you start looking for a job, it’s always advisable that you get equipped with the right knowledge and skills. This can be achieved by undertaking the necessary training in whatever field you intend to venture in. With the current technological advancement, you need to constantly update your skills. This is the only way that you will stay relevant and competitive in the job market. Below is a list of the common Jobs in Turkey That Expats are likely to get: 1. Seven Job Search Strategies You Will Ever Need. Searching for a job has turned out to be an uphill task especially in present day world whereby competition has raised to another higher level.

Seven Job Search Strategies You Will Ever Need

There are so many activities involved when one is searching for a job including research on the available potential employers, writing and compiling of the necessary papers, sending of letters and emails, attending interviews among others. Without a proper strategy on how to go about these procedures, one would get confused and end up missing an opportunity. This article enlightens on the job search strategies that will enable one get a job without too much hassle. Find Turkish Jobs & Career Opportunities. 9 Unconventional Job Seeking Techniques. [ Image Source Site: Virtualassistantmums.Com ] Are you one of those job seekers whose applications have been declined over and over again?

9 Unconventional Job Seeking Techniques

If you are looking for a reason it could be as simple as your online persona to as complicated as how you brand yourself. Well, here are nine tips that can help you manoeuvre the huddle with ease. 1. Always have your essential documents ready. Turkey Talent, Inc : 10 Hobbies to Boost Your Employability. 4 Golden Tips on Finding a Long Distance Job. Securing a job nowadays is such a hustle especially in some place where you are new or far from your destination, one can easily miss an opportunity just because he or she happens to come from a distant place, indeed it is a great challenge facing youth out there but they normally say any problem has to have a solution thus why we want to discuss some golden tips that will aid you in securing a job especially a distant job.

4 Golden Tips on Finding a Long Distance Job

Impressive curriculum vitae Be presentable Even if you have good qualifications and experience and you are not presentable then no one will ever consider you for any job, the point is that you have to appear smart in they way you dress and behave. Be available Do not object or question anything About the Author. The Tried and Tested Modern Job Hunting Ways. [Image source –] Traditionally we were taught that if you want a job you should apply for it, the same old system has stacked with almost every one of us such that we have to wait job advertising.

The Tried and Tested Modern Job Hunting Ways

When there is a job opening in a certain company advertised on our daily or weekly news, then that is like a god-send opportunity which everybody starts applying for. The truth is, as time goes by every system and patterns change, this has affected even the way job is looked for in the modern times like now. 5 Best Sites to Search Jobs in Istanbul. Istanbul is not only the largest but also the busiest city in Turkey.

5 Best Sites to Search Jobs in Istanbul

Unfortunately, this does not make it any easier to get jobs. Job hunting process gets exhausting and old after a couple of rejections, no call backs and numerous pointless interviews. The top 5 most effective ways to land yourself a job in this competitive industry that a worth giving a chance when job hunting are discussed below; 1. Turkey Talent. 10 Secrets of the World's Best Job Hunters. Finding a good job can be a challenging task for many job hunters.

10 Secrets of the World's Best Job Hunters

The number of qualified and experienced people seeking employment opportunities is at its all time high. The following are ten secrets used by the top job hunters to land lucrative employment opportunities. 1. 5 Best Job Sites to Discover New Career Opportunities in Turkey - Career Advice Blog, Job Search and Seeker Tips. 10 Best Resources for Foreigners to Search Jobs in Turkey.

10 Career Tips for Successful Career Planning. Professional life occupies a central role in every one’s life as it offers a means of achieving one’s major ambitions in life.

10 Career Tips for Successful Career Planning

On the contrary, a failure to get into a satisfying career path is the root cause for all kinds of frustrations! It shows the importance of being adequately informed about the dos and don’ts on this important issue faced by every young man and woman. As a young individual out of college, you have all the requisite knowledge base to face the professional world; but it requires some smart thinking and actions to get into such a professional path that helps you to realize all your goals.

Here are 10 Career Tips that guide you to success in achieving a career you deserve. SEE ALSO: The Most Successful Tips to Find Your Next Job 1. Never forget to express your sincere gratitude in the form of a phone call, an email or few words whenever possible for even a little help you receive on the way. Hottest Job Vacancies Found in Ankara. Ankara is the capital city of Turkey and is a major commercial as well as industrial city with a metropolitan municipality of about 5 million.

Hottest Job Vacancies Found in Ankara

There are several job vacancies in Ankara because the city is in a strategic location at the focal point of highway and railway networks and its proximity to agricultural areas. The production of fabrics from the Angora goat and rabbit has been a big contributor of Ankara’s economy because of the revenue earned after exportation. Turkey is well known for the production of grapes and wine and Muscat grapes and Kavaklidere wine are primarily from the city of Ankara. Pears and Ankara Bali, an indigenous honey are other products that contribute to the city being an economic powerhouse. Many private and state-owned Turkish companies have centers in Ankara.

The Most Successful Tips to Find Your Next Job. In today’s job market, it’s no secret that finding the job you want is going to be difficult. For every job out there, there are several applicants, so the competition is high. The Most Successful Tips to Find Your Next Job. Do You Have Any Idea Why You Are Still Unemployed?

5 Surprising Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Hired. Career Opportunities in Turkey. Istanbul Jobs. Istanbul, Turkey being the largest city in the country, it’s a mega city and an economic, cultural and financial centre of Turkey. Being the financial centre of the country, the city offers many employment opportunities to the well-trained professionals across the world. The country’s industrial and manufacturing sectors are biggest constituents of the Turkish economy and both are situated in Istanbul. With very many industries in the area, manufacturing jobs in Istanbul, Turkey are plenty and employs those who are highly skilled in this field.

Only does Istanbul provides high salaried jobs and incentives, but also a lavish lifestyle among the warm and welcoming people. Besides, Istanbul has a very low rate of crime and open-minded atmosphere.