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JSF 2 + Spring 3 integration example. In this tutorial, we will show you how to integrate JSF 2.0 with Spring 3 using : JSF XML faces-config.xmlSpring annotationsJSR-330 standard injection Tools and technologies used : JSF 2.1.13Spring 3.1.2.RELEASEMaven 3Eclipse 4.2Tomcat 6 or 7 1. Directory Structure A standard Maven project for demonstration. 2. Declares JSF 2, Spring 3, JSR-330 inject, and Tomcat’s dependencies. pom.xml <project xmlns=" xmlns:xsi=" xsi:schemaLocation=" Maven Webapp</name><url> 3. Spring’s bean in Spring Ioc context, and JSF’s managed bean in JSF Ioc context, how to make both working together? Faces-config.xml <? 3.1. <? 3.2. Debug JSF lifecycle. Listen and debug JSF lifecycle phases The JSF lifecycle will be explained and debugged here using the "poor man's debugging" approach with sysout's.

We'll also check what happens if you add immediate="true" to the UIInput and UICommand and what happens when a ConverterException and ValidatorException will be thrown. Well, you probably already know that the JSF lifecycle contains 6 phases: Restore view Apply request values Process validations Update model values Invoke application Render response You can use a PhaseListener to trace the phases of the JSF lifecycle and execute some processes where required. But you can also use a "dummy" PhaseListener to debug the phases to see what is happening in which phase. Here is a basic example of such a LifeCycleListener: Note: if you don't have a JSF playground environment setup yet, then you may find this tutorial useful as well: JSF tutorial with Eclipse and Tomcat. Add the following lines to the faces-config.xml to activate the LifeCycleListener.

Forum • View topic - DataTable lazy load filter doesn't work.. It works ... it works ... (and it is fast!) My sql schema has 26 tables. I summarize here only the "interesting" for this topic:The following is the italian administrative suddivision: (lower) (higher)Comuni->Provincie->Regioni->Aree (Translatable as municipality->province->region->area ?) All the tables have foreign keys: so an "area" has many "regioni" that has many "province" that has many "comuni". the xhtml code: /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor package coqui.controller; import coqui.model.Comuni;import;import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map;import javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped;import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;import javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped;import javax.persistence.EntityManager;import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;import javax.persistence.Query;import org.primefaces.model.LazyDataModel; private LazyDataModel<Comuni> lazyModel; private Comuni selectedComune;

Froger's dev blog. Wstęp do Managed Bean w JSF2.0. Przy okazji opisywania pierwszej aplikacji korzystającej z frameworka JSF2.0 wspomniałem nieco o konstrukcji nazwanej Java Bean. Aby nie powtarzać się ze wstępnym opisem odsyłam do właściwego miejsca w poprzednim wpisie. Dziś natomiast przyszedł czas by trochę bardziej zagłębić się w temat ziaren w JSF nazwanych Managed Bean.Trochę teorii Ziarna w aplikacji internetowej służą przede wszystkim do przechowywania danych dynamicznych, które mogą się zmieniać w czasie i pod wpływem różnych czynników (o przechowywaniu treści statycznych postaram się napisać wkrótce).

Innymi słowy zastosowaniem ziaren jest przechowywanie stanu aplikacji, danych z formularzy czy ogólnie innych danych użytkownika lub aplikacji. Sama nazwa Managed Bean pochodzi od faktu, że są one zarządzane przez framework aplikacji (w naszym przypadku JSF). @ManagedBean @SessionScoped //lub jeden z 5 innych zasiegow public class ExampleBean implements Serializable { /*...*/ } Przykład2: Weź instancję klasy ExampleBean. JavaServer Faces (JSF) Tutorial Net. JavaServer Faces Community — The BalusC Code. Communication in JSF 2.0. Introduction We assume that you're familiar with JSF basics. We assume that you're able to create JSF forms and beans like as demonstrated in the JSF 2.0 tutorial of this blog (model, view and controller).

We assume that you've configured JSF to interpret empty string submitted values as null by the following context parameter in web.xml: <context-param><param-name>javax.faces.INTERPRET_EMPTY_STRING_SUBMITTED_VALUES_AS_NULL</param-name><param-value>true</param-value></context-param> The above will prevent that model values get littered with empty strings when the enduser leaves input fields empty. -Dorg.apache.el.parser.COERCE_TO_ZERO=false This will prevent that the aforementioned context parameter will fail for primitive wrapper managed bean properties (e.g.

The code examples throughout the article are wherever applicable created and tested on Mojarra 2.1.3 and Glassfish 3.1.1 which are at the time of writing just the newest available. Back to top Managed bean names FooBean is too vague. PrimeFaces Lazy Loading DataTable for JSF2 « Nicholas Hrycan's Blog. Summary This post discusses the benefits of paginating and lazy-loading large datasets that are displayed to users as well as the benefits of leveraging 3rd party JSF2 UI component suites. I’ve developed a simple application to demonstrate the concept which you can download and run. It is a maven2 project which uses PrimeFaces, Spring Framework, Hibernate/JPA2, and Ehcache.

Background Often times your application must display a large data set to its users so they can operate on it. The users might need to create, update, and delete rows in this data set. To make these large data sets manageable, pagination is often used. While a paginated data table component such as the one shown makes the data easier to manage, it is a non-trivial task to implement this type of component from scratch and make it reusable. Thanks to Java Server Faces (JSF), the Java community has access to a number of UI component suites to absolve the need to develop in-house UI components.

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