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Climate Change Explained very informally. The Most Astounding Fact - Neil deGrasse Tyson. O'Reilly vs Stewart debate. The North Sentinel Island : One of the most isolated and unwelcomed places on the Earth. How To Be Alone. The Problem With Religion (Richard Dawkins) Loneliness Illustrated So Beautifully You Will Need To Tell Someone. A master of balance. World War 3 Has Already Begun. The Road to World War 3. Space Oddity. Planet Earth Seen from The international Space station. September 28, 2012 - Special Edition - A Look Back at Debates - The Daily Show With Jon Stewart - Full Episode Video.

We Stopped Dreaming (Episode 2) - A New Perspective. Organic food. Professor Richard Dawkins - "What if you're wrong?" Obesity. Tiny Origami apartment in Manhattan unfolds into 4 rooms. How Weed Works: THC. 'Lost' Endings on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' 5. Climate Change. The Hunt for Higgs. The future of energy - video. The Science of Lying. The burden of proof. World's Best Countries. RSA Animate - Smile or Die.

RSA Animate - The Empathic Civilisation. Intelligent Design. Richard Dawkins Discussing The God Delusion. RSA Animate - First as Tragedy, Then as Farce. Kerry: On Eve of Rio+20, An Honest Assessment of Climate Change Challenge. 300 Years of FOSSIL FUELS in 300 Seconds. Athenes Theory of Everything. Introducing Books. Venice and the Ottoman Empire: Crash Course World History #19. Alain de Botton: Atheism 2.0. Jonathan Haidt: Religion, evolution, and the ecstasy of self-transcendence. The Crisis of Civilization : Full Movie. The Age of Stupid 2009 - Full Movie (1h 28m) OBAMA vs ROMNEY: Here's Who's Right About The Economy. The Billion Dollar Gram.

Secrets of Body Language. A History of Evil. Why Americans doubt man-made climate change - Inside Story: US 2012. It was 42 years ago that the first Earth Day was organised in the US, drawing millions of Americans to rallies across the country calling for a sustainable environment.

Why Americans doubt man-made climate change - Inside Story: US 2012

Some consider that day to be the birth of the modern environmentalist movement in the US. Today the day is marked by millions around the world but its impact in the US seems to have fizzled, with only dozens turning out at the National Mall in Washington DC on Sunday. While the first Earth Day helped lead to the establishment of the US Environmental Protection agency, this year it was largely ignored by politicians and the public. The issue of climate change has barely come up on the US presidential campaign trail. And for the Republicans it is something they would rather distance themselves from. "Atheists...What if you're wrong??" Why Radio & Music Industry Sucks Nowadays. Full HD High Speed Movie - Eagleowl - Photron SA2. Ytringsfrihet - når det gjelder - kultur. [DVD] Radiohead - From The Basement 2008 [Full Show] Kings Of Convenience - Me in You.

Whitest Boy Alive - Burning. Jack Johnson - Taylor. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (Top Of The Pops 1991) HD. Fjorden Baby! - Himmelen (offisiell) Excerpt: Neil Strauss' Wild Romp Through Celebrity Culture in 'Everyone Loves You When You're Dead' Pictures - Everyone Loves You When You're Dead. Faller musikkens verdi? Faller musikkens verdi?

Faller musikkens verdi?

Tom Skjeklesæther betrakter det som et endetidstegn at øl blir mer verdt enn musikk. Tom Skjeklesæther betrakter det som et endetidstegn at øl blir mer verdt enn musikk. (ABC Nyheter:) I sommer har debatten om musikkens fremtid, vilkår og verdi tatt fatt igjen. I takt med at det har blitt tydelig for sjefene for noen uavhengige norske plateselskaper at musikkstreamingtjenester som Spotify og Wimp, slik de opererer i dag, ikke innebærer noe vesentlig bidrag til å drive plateselskap eller å livnære seg som artist, har de bestemt seg for å trekke sine kataloger ut av Spotify.

Den svenske streamingtjenesten Spotify tilbyr både gratis, reklameavbrudt lytting og abonnement. Det kan uansett være gode grunner til å reflektere over hva streamingtjenestene innebærer, også utover den umiddelbare situasjonen med minimale inntekter for opphavsmenn og selskaper. Chomsky: "Why Do They Hate Us?" History of Iran- (a must see for any Ron Paul Supporter) WW3 Russia.

Evolution: It's a Thing - Crash Course Biology #20. Islamofobi og antisemittisme - tvillingideologier. I denne artikkelen vil jeg vise hvordan den ideverdenen som selverklært kalles ”islamkritikk” sammenfaller med antisemittismens ideverden.

Islamofobi og antisemittisme - tvillingideologier

Men først vil jeg grunngi hvorfor det å sammenstille disse ideene ikke bare er legitimt men også nødvendig. Aldri mer Holocaust Etter 2. Verdenskrig lovte alle verdens stater at den formen for menneskelig grusomhet som utspilte seg gjennom Holocaust aldri mer skulle kunne gjentas. Norway’s Greatest Vulnerability Is Also Its Greatest Strength. The unspeakable horror of this weekend’s massacre in Norway is exaggerated exponentially by terrorist Anders Breivik’s abuse of one of civil society’s most distinctive features: the trust that the public places in law enforcement.

Norway’s Greatest Vulnerability Is Also Its Greatest Strength

And Norway may be particularly vulnerable to such a breach, as a country with a particularly deep faith in its the integrity of its institutions. Norway’s best civil qualities, in this case, also made it most vulnerable to the worst impulses of this killer. Like its fellow Scandinavian countries, Norway is near the top of the world’s charts in many enviable ways: high standard of living and productivity, high levels of happiness, impressive longevity, low levels of economic inequality and corruption and in general, extremely low levels of violent and other crimes.

Countries with this profile tend to have the highest levels of trust in their fellow citizens and institutions. PHOTOS: Anders Behring Breivik, the Extremist Behind Norway’s Tragedy. Kunsten å si nei : Ny Tid. PRISET: Jarle Bernhoft fikk denne uka én million kroner fra Statoil.

Kunsten å si nei : Ny Tid

Han må dermed stille opp for oljeselskapet flere ganger. Avtalen innebærer gjensidig respekt, opplyser Statoils informasjonssjef. Foto: wikicommons 18. februar mottok Jarle Bernhoft (35) Statoil-stipendet på én million kroner fra oljeselskapets informasjonsdirektør. Psykt og folkelig. «How I met my therapist» er underholdende og energisk hele veien, men skjemmes noe av mangel på originalitet og rød tråd.

Psykt og folkelig

I utgangspunktet har de gjort det lett for seg ved å ha et konsept som kan inneholde alt: En mor i fremtiden forteller sine barn om hvordan det var å leve og være student i Bergen i 2012. Revyen beveger seg hovedsaklig innenfor dette triangelet: Psykologistudenten, Bergen og medier. Åpningsnummeret, i musikalstil, er eksplosivt og omhandler den forvirrende følelsen man kan få av å være ny student i Bergen. Fint, men synd at det var vanskelig å få med seg mer enn brokker av vokalen, som var altfor lav. Lydproblemet er gjennomgående, så det får vi håpe lydteknikerne gjør noe med.

A DRAMATIC SURPRISE ON A QUIET SQUARE. Foreign accent syndrome. The Political Compass - Test. The 45 Most Powerful Images Of 2011. Portraits. Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins on Morality and Science. Social Life, With Friends (kinetic typography) Aldous Huxley interview-1958 (FULL)

Is State Capitalism Making Life Better? Noam Chomsky - The Purpose of Education. Education is Ignorance, by Noam Chomsky (Excerpted from Class Warfare) DAVID BARSAMIAN: One of the heroes of the current right-wing revival... is Adam Smith.

Education is Ignorance, by Noam Chomsky (Excerpted from Class Warfare)

You've done some pretty impressive research on Smith that has excavated... a lot of information that's not coming out. You've often quoted him describing the "vile maxim of the masters of mankind: all for ourselves and nothing for other people. " NOAM CHOMSKY: I didn't do any research at all on Smith. I just read him. There's no research. He did give an argument for markets, but the argument was that under conditions of perfect liberty, markets will lead to perfect equality.

He also made remarks which ought to be truisms about the way states work. This truism was, a century later, called class analysis, but you don't have to go to Marx to find it. The version of him that's given today is just ridiculous. But even more interesting in some ways was the index. I want to be clear about this. This is true of classical liberalism in general. It's the same when you read Jefferson. Noam Chomsky: US Hypocrisy -1/6. Welcome to the Anthropocene. The Newsroom. One Life - Amazing Animation by Corey Hayes (Song is "Old Man" by Neil Young)

Dr Richard Milne - Critical Thinking on Climate Change: separating skepticism from denial. Living in the End Times According to Slavoj Zizek. DENNIS KUCINICH TELLS THE TRUTH... OECD – Your Better Life Index. Robin Hood skatt - The Banker - Norsk subtitle.