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Peanutbutter snack

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No-bake energy bites. I probably should have poured a nice stiff drink recipe for you all on this loveliest of lovely tax days.

no-bake energy bites

Especially for my fellow small business owners who just gave half of their revenue back to the government. Good grief, I won’t even go there. Lilyshop. Mar 14 2012 Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzels Ahhhhh I need to stop with the Pinterest.


Yes, another late night Pinterest search yields this yummy peanut buttery-chocolately find. I altered the recipe a bit so see below. Peanut butter pretzel bites « Two Tiny Kitchens. Salty and sweet.

peanut butter pretzel bites « Two Tiny Kitchens

Crunchy and melt-in-your-mouth. Peanut butter and chocolate. Dangerous and delicious (you know what I mean). One little bite, so much to experience.