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Higher Dimensional Chakra System. As we continue to raise our vibrations we will be merging the chakras/bodies with each other, thus creating new "higher dimensional" energy forms which can be altered to take on any kind of form within their dimensional limits.

Higher Dimensional Chakra System

In other words if the new chakra/body is a fifth dimensional one, we can alter our energy to take on any kinds of shapes from the Third through the fifth Dimension. However, our Fifth Dimensional forms will be more like colors, sounds, vibrations, etc. But . . . we can lower them slightly between Fifth and Fourth Dimensional vibrations so as to take on a "slight" physical look. Please remember that beyond the Fifth Dimension we are pure energy. Although we can alter our vibrations to take on the appearance of the lower dimensional forms, we will not be able to hold this appearance for long since our higher vibrations are so strong we will naturally be pulled back to them. Then we will progress to the next set. Chakras and Personal Ascension. In regards to personal ascension, your primary goal involves a) healing and balancing the lower chakras, b) aligning the chakras, c) the activation and balancing of the upper chakras, and lastly d) strengthening the auric field.

Chakras and Personal Ascension

After steps are taken to heal and balance the lower chakras, you increase the kundalini current. A stronger kundalini current means a higher ethereal frequency. This frequency expansion starts the process of altering the biological body. Presently, the number of activated chakras determines the overall frequency of your energy signature. This frequency configuration can be classified as either a positive polarity or negative polarity: • Negative polarity means the south-pole or the three lower chakras are not aligned (overactive & unbalanced)

. • Positive polarity means the north-pole or upper chakras are aligned. In regards to ascension, Lady Gaia is shifting into the green band of the universal spectra. The 5th Dimensional Chakras > Christina Lunden. When you were born into this life, you had access to your seven physical chakras.

The 5th Dimensional Chakras > Christina Lunden

These are the Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Brow Chakra and the Crown Chakra. In 2006, you had the opportunity to start opening up to these next three 4th dimensional chakras: Soul Star Chakra, High Heart Chakra and the Zeal Point Chakra. Every soul adds these one at a time at their own pace according to how much light they are allowing into their soul each day. These 4th dimensional chakras are spiritual chakras; they don’t have anything to do with the physical body.

Each chakra has to be stable, balanced and being used by the person in order for the next higher chakra to open. In 2007, the 5th dimensional chakras were accessible. The 5th Dimension is a physical place, like the 3rd Dimension so for you to be able to access the energy without even walking on that world is truly a remarkable feat! The 5th dimensional chakras open upon your intention. I love, Golden DNA Activation - DNA-HEAL. How to Connect to your Higher Self through DNA Activation In high school, you learned that DNA has 2-strands, a double helix with 46 chromosomes.

Golden DNA Activation - DNA-HEAL

What exists behind the physical DNA is a template. This template is an energetic blueprint that has an additional 10 etheric strands that have been labeled “junk.” Scientists have yet to discover the purpose of junk DNA, but the answer is simple. The junk is fragmented DNA that contains unplugged information. If the fragmented 97 percent DNA is activated and plugged in, what happens to you and your body? Most humans are unable to manifest all of their Higher Self because of distortions. What Are These Distortions? In order to understand the answer, it is important to understand the past. What Was the Original Design? The original blueprint was a natural integration of one’s higher consciousness in one lifetime.

The original human body was designed to embody 12 dimensions of consciousness in one lifetime. How Many Dimensions Exist?