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M o v i e l e n s - movie recommendations. Diner - Movie & TV search at Internet Radio - Find New Music, Listen to Free Web Radio. Digg. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Digg est un site web communautaire qui a pour but de faire voter les utilisateurs pour une page web intéressante et proposée par un utilisateur. Typique du phénomène « Web 2.0 », il combine social bookmarking, blog et syndication. Il dispose de plusieurs catégories telles que Politique, Divertissement, Vidéos et Technologie. Les nouveaux articles et les sites web soumis par les utilisateurs sont notés par d'autres utilisateurs. Si une proposition remporte le succès nécessaire, elle est affichée sur la page d'accueil. Histoire[modifier | modifier le code] Digg a été lancé par Kevin Rose, Owen Byrne, Ron Gorodetzky et Jay Adelson, comme une expérience, en novembre 2004.

. « Nous avons commencé à travailler sur le développement du site dès octobre 2004 » précise Kevin Rose[trad 1],[1] David Prager, un ami de Kevin Rose, voulait appeler le site Diggnation, mais Kevin souhaitait un nom plus simple et facile à retenir. Wordie: Welcome. Advanced Google Search Operators. You can use symbols or words in your search to make your search results more precise.

Google Search usually ignores punctuation that isn’t part of a search operator. Don’t put spaces between the symbol or word and your search term. A search for will work, but site: won’t. Refine image searches Overall Advanced Search Go to Advanced Image Search. Search for an exact image size Right after the word you're looking for, add the text imagesize:widthxheight. Example: imagesize:500x400 Common search techniques Search social media Put @ in front of a word to search social media. Search for a price Put $ in front of a number. Search hashtags Put # in front of a word. Exclude words from your search Put - in front of a word you want to leave out. Search for an exact match Put a word or phrase inside quotes.

Search within a range of numbers Put .. between two numbers. Combine searches Put "OR" between each search query. Search for a specific site Search for related sites. A free online service to organize your academic paper. Feeds 2.0 | Your personalized news aggregator. Findory. Findory was a personalized news site. The site launched in January 2004 and shut down November 2007. A reader first coming to Findory would see a normal front page of news, the popular and important news stories of the day.

When someone read articles on the site, Findory learned what stories interested that reader and changed the news that was featured to match that reader's interests. In this way, Findory built each reader a personalized front page of news. Below is a screenshot of an example personalized Findory home page. [Clicking on the screenshot will bring up a full-sized version] Findory's personalization used a type of hybrid collaborative filtering algorithm that recommended articles based on a combination of similarity of content and articles that tended to interested other Findory users with similar tastes.

Findory's primary product was in news, but the broader goal of Findory was to personalize information. Peer Review : Web Focus : Nature. December 2006 The peer review trial described below has now closed. Nature's analysis of the results is published within the peer-review debate focus. June 2006 Nature is undertaking a trial of a particular type of open peer review. In this trial, authors whose submissions to Nature are sent for peer review will also be offered the opportunity to participate in an open peer review process (see below for explanation).

The trial is optional for authors; it will continue in parallel with Nature's usual procedures, and does not affect the likelihood of eventual publication of the submitted work. Web Debate The web debate contains a range of perspectives about peer review from those who believe it is working well, to those who prefer other options. Peer Review Trial Nature's peer review trial lasted for four months, from June to September 2006.

Nature's peer review trial Peer review is the bedrock of scientific publication (for Nature's position on peer review, see our Guide to Authors).