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Nuclear Ir. Mehran Tavakoli KESHE. Born in Iran in 1958, son of an X-ray engineer, he was introduced to the world of radiation and nuclear science at a very young age.

Nuclear Ir. Mehran Tavakoli KESHE

In 1981 he graduated from Queen Mary College, University of London, as a nuclear engineer specializing in reactor technology system control. He has spent the years since then completing a system for the production of gravity and energy using a radioactive hydrogen-fueled reactor that is clean and safe. He has covered all aspects of the design of a new plasma nuclear system from the very beginning to its present stage. This has included the design, the fuel, the testing and practical applications. Since 2002 he has concentrated on completing the full range of his technology for launching into the scientific world and industry. In September 2004 he was invited by a leading western country, through its government office organizations, to present his technology for evaluation.

Home - Resonance Science Foundation. Cavitation Reactor and Process Intensification Technology - Cavitation Technology. QUIENES SOMOS. Sabemos que puedes producir tu propia Energía A día de hoy Gtel España, Canarias y resto del mundo se constituye en un equipo de personas anónimas los cuales se han unido a través de la red para construir y experimentar las más de 7000 patentes de Energías Libres (o como se llama más técnicamente, Energías del Punto Cero).


Montamos todo tipo de dispositivos de energía radiante, generadores, reactores de hidrógeno y ladrones de julios logrando encender lámparas de 12 voltios con una pila AA de un voltio y medio (incluso con pilas al punto de estar casi gastadas), motores Pantone, motores-generadores magnéticos Bedini, Newman y todo esto con materiales caseros y reciclados. Pocos son los que se han hecho eco de este gran equipo por eso, os hacemos llegar esta información del Grupo de Trabajo en Energías Libres que sigue con el entusiasmo de enseñar al mundo que con poca dedicación si se puede. previamente que existen otras vías alternativas al gran problema. (video) 1/2 Adam Trombly - Thrive Movie - Starchild Program - Zero Point Energy - Spectrum. (Investigador Free Energy_INDIA_TEWARI) Spiritual Foundations. The origins of consciousness and matter are discussed in this book and presented with reference to ancient Vedic teachings.

(Investigador Free Energy_INDIA_TEWARI) Spiritual Foundations

The meaning of eternity, incarnations, love and compassion are discussed with references to Sanskrit verses dating back millennia. It is also shown in this book that the primary source of cosmic energy arises in the dynamics of space that originates and creates matter and fields, thereby showing that current physical theories are clearly on the wrong track with regard to the basic properties of space. Creator of 5-hour energy wants to power the world’s homes—with bikes. The man who created the 5-hour Energy drink says he has more money than he needs—about $4 billion more.

Creator of 5-hour energy wants to power the world’s homes—with bikes

So he’s giving it away, spending his fortune on a quest to fix the world’s biggest problems, including energy. Manoj Bhargava has built a stationary bike to power the millions of homes worldwide that have little or zero electricity. Early next year in India, he plans to distribute 10,000 of his Free Electric battery-equipped bikes, which he says will keep lights and basic appliances going for an entire day with one hour of pedaling.

Bhargava, who dropped out of Princeton University after a year because he was bored and then lived in ashrams for 12 years in his native India, doesn’t stop at bikes. He’s working on ways to make saltwater drinkable, enhance circulation in the body, and secure limitless amounts of clean geothermal energy—via a graphene cord. Patente US20060075683 - Apparatus and method for the conversion of water into a new gaseous and ... - Google Patentes. This patent application is a divisional application of U.S. patent application Ser.

Patente US20060075683 - Apparatus and method for the conversion of water into a new gaseous and ... - Google Patentes

No. 10/760,336 filed on Jan. 20, 2004, which is a continuation-in-part application of the U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/277,841 filed on Oct. 22, 2002, a continuation-in-part application of the U.S. patent application Ser. FREE ENERGY - Salt Water Fuel. John Kanzius Produces Hydrogen from Salt Water Using Radio Waves. From PESWiki A test tube filled with salt water, with a paper towel inserted for a wick, burns when exposed to radio frequencies from John Kanzius' machine.

John Kanzius Produces Hydrogen from Salt Water Using Radio Waves

Fire from Salt Water The late John Kanzius found a way to burn salt water with the same radio wave machine he is using to kill cancer cells. Kanzius was testing his external radio-wave generator to see if it could desalinate salt water, and the water ignited. A university chemist determined that the process is generating hydrogen, which can be burned as fuel. While the phenomenon is interesting, it is not yet practical for energy generation as long as more energy is consumed by the radio frequency device than is produced for burning. Energia limpia. (Fundacion I+D...) The Resonance Project Foundation.

The Resonance Project Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization chartered to conduct research and education in the field of unified physics.

(Fundacion I+D...) The Resonance Project Foundation

Our team, led by Director of Research Nassim Haramein, is dedicated to exploring the fundamental wheel works of nature to gain a greater understanding of universal dynamics for the betterment of all life. We share our discoveries with the wider scientific community and the general public through scientific publications, layman papers, and our Resonance Academy. We encourage dialogue and explorations that are at the nucleus of all scientific inquiry and advancement. Please send all inquiries to: (empresa Euskadi)_pdtos. para ahorro energético_Programming, knowledge and action on all devices in your home. Energy conservation, Energy efficiency. (Buenas Prácticas) Feldheim, el pueblo alemán 100% sostenible.

Feldheim es una pequeña aldea alemana situada a unos 80 kilómetros de Berlín, que ha conseguido generar toda la energía que consumen sus habitantes de manera sostenible.

(Buenas Prácticas) Feldheim, el pueblo alemán 100% sostenible

Formada por apenas 37 casas y unas cuantas granjas, Feldheim no parece el lugar más propicio para crear historia. Sin embargo, expertos en sostenibilidad de todo el mundo se han desplazado a esta pequeña localidad del Este de Alemania, para comprobar lo que empieza a estar en boca de muchos de los gobiernos mundiales. (E3_resonancia) Quantum Energy Generator. (ref. organizacion y persona) Eugene Mallove's Open Letter to the World. (video documental) Energía Libre, Carrera hacia el Punto Cero.