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파나마. 코스타리카. 칠레. 아이티. 아르헨티나. 브라질. 버진아일랜드(영국) 버진아일랜드(미국) 바하마. 멕시코. 마르티니크. 도미니카. 도미니카공화국. 그레나다. Grenada is a rolling, mountainous island, covered with fragrant spice trees and rare tropical flowers. Bordered by stunning beaches, and dotted with picturesque towns, this verdant island has long been a major source of nutmeg, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, and cocoa. The seductive drifts through the colourful Saturday markets and Grenada's dense forests. In the interior of this volcanic island are cascading rivers and waterfalls, lush rainforests, and one of the most breathtakingly beautiful mountain lakes imaginable.

The capital, St. George's, is widely held to be the loveliest city in the Caribbean. Its horseshoe-shaped harbour is surrounded by a pastel rainbow of dockside warehouses and the red-tiled roofs of traditional shops and homes. Grenada's physical beauty is complemented by its rich history and vibrant, living cultural heritage. Distilleries still use traditional methods, emphasizing quality rather than quantity. 캐나다.
