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Objective-C Collections - NSScreencast. Episode Links Examples Making custom objects work well with Sets and Dictionaries In order to efficiently store your own custom objects, you need to implement isEqual: and hash properly. Performance Characteristics Performance is described with Big O Notation, which is an important metric when comparing algorithms against each other. O(1) is constant time. There are a few others to consider. You can see how awful some algorithms can be as the number of items increase. NSArray is the best choice to use for a list of items if you're going to iterate over them in sequence, or access directly by index.



iOS 6完美越狱. 破解自己购买游戏应用 ipa破解工具Clutch教程 | iPhone越狱_美化_解锁_插件教程-苹果学院 | IPHONE四種軟體的安裝方法【deb、pxl、app、ipa安裝詳解】 @ 宇若彎彎 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 第一種 : IPA檔 App Store上幾乎所有的軟件都是使用這個格式,安裝也非常方便! 但是要使用破解的.ipa文件還需要注意以下幾點: 用iTunes7.7(以上)安裝.ipa破解文件 此方法破解同步方法相當方便,並且可直接在iPhone(iTouch)上直接刪除( 和購買的一樣) 最簡單安裝MobileInstallation的方式是: 直接用cydia安裝一個 MobileInstallation patch即可 安裝方法:把ipa拉到My Documents\My Music\iTunes\Mobile Applications 然後double-click這時會直接開通iTunes 檔案會在iTunes應用程式見到跟著同步 (現在都用appsync) 下面是用不了WinScp 和 pc suite的教程 用不了WINSCP的朋友,運行MobileTerminal,輸入login,點return;再輸入root,點return;再輸入alpine,點return;正確輸入後最後面一個提示符會變成「#」號 繼續輸入:chmod -R 777 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework/,點return。

(注意命令之間的空格和命令大小寫) CD ~,點return 是回根目錄 個別玩家可能會在同步中出現不能運行的問題,解決方法如下: 刪除文件夾/private/var/mobile/Application/並重啟iPhone, 之後在AppStore中下載任意一個免費軟件,同步後運行此軟件一次(切記以後不要刪除此軟件,否則會造成同步進iPhone的破解軟件不能運行) 之後再次同步你的破解軟件就可以了,如果中途報錯可再次同步。 第三種 : PXL檔 這個是大家最熟悉的格式,1.x.x時基本都是這個格式,我就再講一遍。 第四種 : DEB檔 關於deb包的使用 由於2.0固件使用了Cydia,而Cydia採用了deb安裝包,在使用wifi通過Cydia下載安裝軟件時,由於網絡或其它原因會導致下載速度慢或下載不成功,在重刷固件後還要再下載安裝軟件,都比較麻煩。 如何使用Deb安裝軟件? 最最最簡易的安裝deb. Get Started Writing iOS Apps With RubyMotion. Advertisement Everyone is trying to craft the next beautiful iOS app, but building on Apple’s platform has traditionally required experience in a niche programming language, Objective-C.

However, with the release of RubyMotion, anyone can make a completely native iOS app using the power of Ruby. Developers have tried to get around the Objective-C hurdle by making HTML and JavaScript hybrid apps using tools like PhoneGap and Trigger, but the result can be a substandard user experience. Plus, mobile-centric Web development is yet another narrow skill set that potential developers have to learn. RubyMotion is intended to be an alternative solution that produces apps identical to those created in Objective-C, except using a more accessible and popular language. How does that work? The hope is that coding in Ruby and using the RubyMotion toolchain will make developing iOS apps easier for new developers, as well as help existing iOS developers be even more productive. Set Up Create A Project .