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Tsung Min Lin

Leaves Recognition - a leaf image recognition based on a neuronal network. News Since September 2004, the sources and binaries of the Leaves Recognition project are hosted in an own project to which any interested developer is gratefully invited.

Leaves Recognition - a leaf image recognition based on a neuronal network

Please feel free to have a look at the project webpages available at And please send me an email if you want to join the project team and develop directly within the SVN resporitory where the source code is available from. Otherwise have a look at the Download section of this document if you are interested in downloading either a binary build or having a look at the source code of Leaves Recognition. Android camera causing null pointer exception. 喵喵老師的資訊手札: 將Apache+php+PostgreSQL Portable作法紀錄.

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PieChart using AChartEngine

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