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O as agências de viagens investem em tecnologia - Flock. O que procuram as agências de viagens na América Latina quanto o tema é “tendências e tecnologia”? Para responder a essa pergunta e traçar um perfil dos passos das agências de turismo nesse segmento, a Amadeus encomendou uma pesquisa à Frost & Sullivan, consultoria global em inteligência de mercado. O estudo segue a estratégia da Amadeus de apoio e investimento na região e identifica quais os drivers do mercado para este ano no que se refere à adoção tecnológica no segmento de agências de viagens. Foram ouvidos gerentes de TI, diretores, CIOs e proprietários de agências de tamanhos variados em 11 países diferentes. Cláudio Altieri, diretor de Marketing da Amadeus para a América Latina, já com o estudo em mãos, comentou que “atualmente, já existe a consciência de que investimentos destinados à tecnologia da informação não constituem gastos, mas sim desembolso estratégico.

Veja a seguir, os principais pontos do estudo. Que fatores que influenciam nos investimentos de TI? 11 Mind-Blowing Reasons Your Business Needs Facebook | Social Me. Everyone seems to be using Facebook to connect with old friends, but do you realize what this huge network could mean for your business? In the past 3 years, Facebook has surged past MySpace to become our preferred online hangout. And businesses are beginning to catch on.

Interesting research shows just how influential Facebook has become in our daily lives. Combined with several critical adjustments to how Facebook publishes “news” and intersects with other sites, the state of Facebook is mind-blowing. And that’s a big deal for your business. Here are 11 vital reasons your business needs to be involved with Facebook: 1. 350 Million Global Users and Counting Facebook announced recently that they had passed 350 million members, making Facebook the third-largest country in the world, if it was a country. 2. 100 Million U.S. Sure, Facebook is strong around the world (Canada has the highest penetration rate), but nearly 1/3 of all Facebookers are here in the U.S. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Liodice: 10 Events That Transformed Marketing. FUTURE: The Great Mobile Trend | Penn Olson - Flock. Update: HP has just notified us that the winner of the laptop (below) must be a Singapore resident I can hear your groans because I would feel the same too. Nonetheless, please feel free to comment . If you ask me what I envision the future to be, I would say mobile. Some of you might share the same vision, but what opportunities lie ahead is something that I’m particularly interested in.

Before we get too engrossed in the guessing game, let’s see what hints past events in the mobile industry have left us. 1. Apple rocked the mobile industry with the introduction of the iPhone. That probably shook giant mobile makers, Nokia, Samsung, and HTC back to reality. 2. Nokia has reacted to the iPhone rave via lawsuits, BlackBerry came out with its own BlackBerry Appworld, and Motorola with its Droid (remember the iDon’t campaign?)

Nexus One has a simple design like the iPhone and its dynamic apps platform depends heavily on its users too. But will Nexus One be a success? 3. 4. 5. A. B. C. D. E. Top Tools For Tracking Topics on the Web - Flock. Tracking topics on the Web can be a painful process, due to the amount of noise and difficulty of filtering it. So to help you out, we've selected and categorized the leading topic-tracking tools. This is based on the discussion that arose from our earlier post about topic feeds, which are RSS feeds for keywords or phrases. During the process of analyzing these topic tracking tools, we discovered - to our surprise - that not many of these services output results as RSS. Some of the leading apps in this field require users to visit their service.

With that in mind, here is our full list and analysis. See also:Top Topic Trackers (Updated List) Feed and/or Email Services These are services that output RSS and/or other formats, such as email notification. The most common such tool is probably Google Alerts. Google Alerts PubSub Yahoo Pipes Topikality Swamii (just email, no RSS) Woofeed (just email or mobile, no RSS) Destination Services Social Filter Community Curated People Curated Misc. HOW TO: Take Advantage of Social Media in Your E-mail Marketing. This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. You’ve most likely had an e-mail newsletter for your company for much longer than you’ve had a presence on social media sites.

But now that you do both, the two can go hand-in-hand, with e-mail creating an opportunity to extend your presence on social media sites, and social media sites providing a way to get more e-mail subscribers. At the moment though, most marketers aren’t connecting the dots. According to a recent study published by eMarketer, 48% of marketers include “forward to a friend” features in their e-mails, but only 13% include features that make it easy to share content on social networks. Here’s a look at how to close the gap, and why it’s so important that you do. Why Include Social Media in Your E-mail? How to Do It Growth Strategies Beyond that, create compelling content that people want to share. Why Networking Doesn't End When Your Job Search Does | Under30CE. A few nights ago I attended a Networking event hosted by a new organization called Schmoozd. When I arrived there I met the CEO of a startup and he asked me what I was looking to gain from the event after I told him that I had a job.

It made me start to think about the fact that so many people only network when they are looking for a job. This is a huge mistake that should be avoided at all costs. 5 Reasons you need to Keep Networking Referrals: Given the current economic conditions, hiring by referral is bigger today than it’s ever been in the past. Potential Business Partners: If you are an entrepreneur or not, networking well lead to a number of potential business partners. Income: In his book, The Luck Factor, Brian Tracy said that he could actually measure his income in proportion to the number of people he knew. Lend a Helping Hand: If there’s one thing you should do if you are networking and already have a job, it’s to lend a helping hand. Awesome People + Awesome Places. Travel: An Abysmal "Social" Experience! | The Relationship Econo. When it comes to air travel today, no one enjoys it. Recently I had to be in New York City. My meeting was scheduled for 10:00 am EST.

I live in Nashville TN and none of the commercial airlines had flights that would get me to New York that morning early enough for my meeting. Subsequently I was forced to fly in the night before. I had to leave two hours early from my home to get to the airport then park my car and get through security in time to catch my flight. The flight to New York took five hours because of delays and connections. Upon arriving I had to spend $75 on a cab and 45 minutes to get to my hotel which cost $210 for one nights stay. After my meeting I had to take yet another cab (for $75) to get back to the airport two hours early in order to get through security. The airline ticket was $589, parking, hotel and meals totaled close to $500. The cost to the U.S. public for a broken air travel system is enormous. over 140 million hours of loss passenger time per year.

4 Web Tools You May Have Missed - Flock. I encounter so many web apps over the course of any given day that some tend to get lost in the mix, especially the oddball little applications that do something that isn’t in my standard workflow. That doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate how useful and creative those apps are, just that I end up setting them aside to come back to later. So here I’m going to give those apps a chance to shine, because even if I can’t personally use them during the course of my day-to-day business, it’s entirely possible that many of you can. Accordingly, here are four oddball little web applications that do things you may not even have realized you wanted one to do in the first place.

Create Your own YouTube with Fliggo As the prevalence of video on the web continues to grow, it makes sense that video social networking should grow, too. Fliggo (covered by Liz over on NewTeeVee last year) allows you to do just that. Design Your Space with Floorplanner Floorplanner does just what we needed. Study Finds Marketers Embracing Social Media Marketing in a Big. Study Finds Marketers Embracing Social Media Marketing in a Big Way Integrated marketing services provider Alterian today released the results of their seventh annual survey on social media marketing adoption. The survey covered 1068 marketing professionals worldwide (actually, it was 98% North America and Europe and only 2% Asia Pacific and other regions). Alterian found that 66% of respondents will be investing in social media marketing (SMM) in 2010.

Of those, 40% said they would be shifting more than a fifth of their traditional direct marketing budget towards funding their SMM activities. The survey also found more than a third (36%) of respondents are investing in social media monitoring and analysis tools. Nearly half of respondents (42%), however, said they don’t currently incorporate clickstream and Web analytics data into their customer and e-mail database. via TechCrunch Tagged as: Investing, Marketing, Social Media, Spending.

What Top Brands Have Learned From Their Facebook Experience | pa. Facebook Fan Page Optimization Tips | Top Web Resources - Flock. The best place you can place your brand on Facebook is through a Facebook Page. As of the time of this writing, over 10 million users become fans of Fan Pages every day. This number should be no surprise — when people “fan” your Page, their friends see it, and your brand spreads organically.

What most don’t know is that you can customize this experience for your users. With just a little work, and either some knowledge of simple HTML or the ability to hire a developer to do the work for you, you can have a custom Page up for your business in no time. Maximize Your Avatar Visibility Profile pictures on Facebook can have a maximum size of 200×600 pixels. Install the Static FBML App and Add a Custom Tab Do a search for “static FBML” on Facebook (or just click here), and click “Add to my Page” in the upper-left. Now what you want to do is create your tab. Add Content to Your Custom Tab To add content, click on “Edit Page” again on the left below your Page image.

Customize Your Tab With FBML. The Most Random Facebook Groups Ever! | Webupon - Flock. The Inexperienced Guide to an Optimized Blog in 30 Min | Search. This being my debut article on SEJ I wanted to write on a topic that I’m passionate about. As an educator I always try to share my experiences and knowledge to help the community and my students. I figured there would be no better way for me to get started than to help you get started. Today we are going to squash some myths and shake things up a bit by creating a simple, optimized website in under 30 min. Stop Trying to be an Expert While there are countless photoshop and html/css tutorials out there, the truth of the matter is that we are not all designers and developers.

A Custom Website or Blog is Expensive Well yes and no, again, you get what you pay for. How Do I Get Started on My Own, I Have No Time and No Budget This is the part of the article where I begin to rock the boat a bit. A CMS is a content management system or a framework that allows you to easily add, remove or edit content using a “backend” that will update the “frontend” or live version of your site. Have a Plan. FilmNet - Film and People Network - Flock.