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6 Clever Tricks for Social Media Managers. Even if you're the ultimate hybrid project manager/content creator and community-engager, reality is, you'll probably develop Community Manager Multi-Personality Disorder (CMMPD)* at least once in your career. *We totally made this up. In my years managing communities for companies ranging from teeny startups to global soda and makeup brands, I learned one thing very quickly: Establishing systems and using the right tools early on can save your sanity (and your laptop’s RAM). Here are six tips and tricks in my medicine cabinet for achieving social media vitality. 1. Every day, we log in to our Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr accounts, our work email, Google Drive and our internal communities, not to mention those of all our clients. Remedy: Behold, Chrome profiles. 2. Remedy: Download FoundApp. 3. Cross-posting Instagram photos to Twitter is a time-suck, and Instagram photos take up too much space on your phone. 4. 5. 6.

Homepage image via iStockPhoto, DrAfter123.


Master List (A Wiki of Social Media Marketing Examples) - Flock. Redes sociais White Label | Mídias Sociais. Redes sociais White Label oferecem uma estrutura para as empresas ou pessoas que desejam construir uma comunidade on-line adaptadas aos seus gostos e necessidades. As plataformas estão sendo usadas para tudo, desde marketing, branding e até desenvolvimento de produtos ou para uso interno em empresas. As empresas estão usando essa tecnologia para se comunicar e coletar insights de seus consumidores. O Ning é a rede social white label mais conhecida, com a plataforma é possível criar comunidades altamente segmentadas gratuitamente. Um bom exemplo é a comunidade desenvolvendo para a web, que reúne programadores experientes e pessoas interessadas em aprender a programar em Na comunidade é possível tirar dúvidas e trocar idéias através de blogs e grupos de discussão e assim, aumentar sua rede de relacionamentos significativamente.

As redes sociais White Label podem ser uma ótima opção para se comunicar com seus os consumidores, mas cuidado! List of Social Media and Social Networking Sites - Flock. World Map Of Social Networks Shows Rise Of Facebook - Flock. Chatroulette! - Flock. Social and Business Collaboration Tools - Flock. Family and Social Collaboration Cozi Central helps busy families manage schedules, appointments, shopping and communications from wherever you are — the kitchen, car, office or even the grocery store.

Cozi Central is available as a software download and in a Web version. You can view or edit your busy family’s schedules in a central location. Keep track of items to be purchased and tasks that need to be done. Send quick messages to other family members, individually or all at once via phone or email. Enjoy all your digital photos with automatically generated collages that you can easily share with friends and family. Famundo for Families is your family hub, making your family’s schedule manageable and giving you control over your daily life. Stixy is an online bulletin board. Grouptivity is a web service platform that replaces “email a friend”.

Mecanbe lets you create, customize and share Goal-Lists to help advance in any area of life. Wamily is a social collaboration application. Back Up Your Social Media Profiles - Flock. Not too long ago, I had a major scare: I went to log into my Twitter account, only to be informed that my page no longer existed. Considering that I rely pretty heavily on Twitter in my work, I had a bit of a panic. After a few minutes, everything was back to working as normal, but it was enough to get me thinking about how important different social-networking sites are to my ability to work online — and how I could back up all the information I have on those sites.

LinkedIn Back in the day, I had a Rolodex packed with information. Luckily, LinkedIn makes it easy to keep a record of all the contacts you’ve made through the site, as well as back up your own profile. To export your contacts, click on “Contacts.” Facebook Finding a good way to back up your Facebook profile can be something of a problem: Many of the applications that you can use to do so will trigger Facebook’s robot behavior detection systems, marking you as a spammer and losing you your account. Twitter. SM2 - Flock. Welcome » PostRank - Flock. Hootsuite. Follow live conversations from Twitter and Facebook on 3 Ways to Search Using Command-Line Interface | Search Engine Jo. I am sure if you are reading this blog, you should love searching.

So today I am offering a new (somewhat geeky) way for you to search: using a command line. Basically it works like this: (1) Provide a search term; (2) Provide a shortcut that will tell the tool which search engine to use to search for the provided term. Serchilo Serchilo is a highly customizable search tool that can be used to quickly use any search engine or site.

[g seo] You can see which commands are available while you type the query: More things to take note of: Katapulco Katapulco is an awesome search tool that gives access to over 90 search engines from a single search command line. For example, this command will redirect to Google search for [SEO]: More things to take note of: Ubiquity The only reason why I am mentioning Ubiquity as the last one is that I already reviewed the tool on SEJ, so most of our readers must be already aware of the tool. Surchur – The Dashboard to Right Now. Real Time Search and Real. TSSVeloso - Icerocket Blog Search. Links posted by tssveloso (Tiago) - Topsy - Flock. Real Time Search - Social Mention - Flock.