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Can Brands be also your Trusted Friends? | Brandingeye - Flock. Source: North American Technographics Media and Marketing Online Survey, Q2 2008 Base: US online adults who use each type of content *Trust is defined as a 4 or 5 on a scale from 1 (don’t trust at all) to 5 (trust completely)/ Company Blogs are not getting it right so far If brands are looking at social media to get closer to and trusted by their target audiences, these numbers clearly show they are having a hard time. Taking a closer look, there seem to be four distinct groups: The number one trusted source of information is the people we know, no surprise there. Second, are the automated neutral information resources such as Consumer Reports, Search Engines and Yellow Pages. Third, is traditional media, headed by the good old Newspaper, followed a close second by Social Networking site profiles from people you know. Fourth, is a group comprised of personal and company communications.

A note from Forrester Research who commissioned this research: A note about how we collect data. 50 Essential Strategies For Creating A Successful Web 2.0 Produc. Women often talk about older men not dating women their age, but women as much as a generation younger than they happen to be. Often, wondering what the two might have in common. A man coming out of a marriage whe Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address Saturday, July 2, 2011 Washington, DC "Right now, there are a lot of folks who are still struggling with the effects of the recession. They’re wondering how th Citron is done!!! Robert Reich, "Until last year Social Security took in more payroll taxes than it paid out, lent surpluses to the rest of gov't. Nyt kannattaa selata uusin Seura-lehti.

It's a question that I get very often. "To see life as a poem and yourself participating in that poem is what the myth does for you. " - from Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth with Bill Moyers, p.55 Iowahawk submitted a bunch of questions to the President's Twitter Town Hall, but none were selected. I read recently about the sad case of Natalie Wood. Brandtelling - Flock. How To: Rejuvenate A Brand via Twitter | Bit Rebels - Flock. Levi’s is a brand that has been innovation leaders in apparel since 1873. But with so many new brands surfacing, they somehow needed to boost their brand awareness. In order to get the hype they turned on Social Media and created a game that people can interact with via mobile and the web and of course through Twitter!.

iSpy to put in simpler terms is a catch me if you can game through mobile and web interaction. Pairs of Levi’s jeans were sent to the streets. They were worn by the company’s representatives. The campaign generated a lot of buzz, had people talking about the brand again and since it was through social media, the impression made by people was that it is a cool brand and had people wearing the brand again. As more brands turn to social media as a vehicle to speak with their consumers, I believe we will see a lot of interesting and creative concepts in the near future. Main Image Source Host’s Levi’s campaign in Australia.