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Raw Melissa | Stripping Life to it's EssenceRaw Melissa | Stripping Life to it's Essence. Paleo Bread - Healthy Gluten Free Bread Recipe. This gluten free bread is easy to make, tastes great, and is full of nutrient dense ingredients. Gluten free isn’t necessarily healthy, especially when it comes to bread. Here’s a gluten free bread recipe, made of high protein ingredients that won’t leave you dragging. I’m loving every slice that comes from this new Paleo diet friendly bread recipe. This bread is just a bit lighter and fluffier than my other breads. It has a nice nutty flavor from the flax meal which makes it almost have a kind of “whole wheat” thing going on, and it has a lovely little bit of sweet flavor from the honey (I used honey that my friend Shirley harvested from her bee hives and sent to me as a gift –I treasure it). I’ve been working on this gluten free bread recipe for several months and have tested it a couple of dozen times.

For example, with this recipe, I tested changes as minute as 1 teaspoon baking soda versus 1 ¼ teaspoons baking soda. It’s just hard work folks. Paleo Bread (use this) print.

Paleo recipes

Vegetarian Recipes for Athletes. If you like plant-based recipes you’ll love our plant-based fitness guide. Click here to get it free. Don’t worry, the link opens in a new window and you can continue browsing all our great recipes. Smoothies and Sports Drinks Granola, Energy Bars, and Running Food Pasta, Risotto and Polenta Pizza Tofu and Tempeh, and other Soy Assorted Beans and Lots o’ Lentils Soups and Stews “Burgers” and Seems-Like-Meats Other Sandwiches and Wraps More-than-Salads Sides (and Stuff that Doesn’t Fit Anywhere Else) Sneaky-Healthy Desserts. Angie's Recipes . Taste Of Home. The Okara Project.


Ezekiel Bread I Recipe. KoMo Grain Mills Official Site: Wood cabinet European flour grinders by designers Wolfgang Mock & Peter Koidl. Urban Simplicity: Ezekiel interpretation. I've posted recipes for this bread--or variations of it--in the past on numerous occasions, but the two most popular are here and here.

Those two posts, in fact, draw the largest amount of visitors to this blog everyday (through search engines, I imagine). Yup, I can carry things on my bike until I'm blue in the face, and talk about quotes and all things spiritual...but the topic that gets the most hits are my recipes for Ezekiel Bread. This post is a little different in that I made the bread at home (opposed to at work in a commercial kitchen), and I did not use any refined (white) flour; just whole wheat. And for that reason the recipe is slightly different than the others (a printable recipe follows the pictures). This one, I believe, is more true...refined flour was unknown in biblical times.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Many people know--but some may do not--that the original recipe, vague as it is, comes directly from the Bible, in the Book of Ezekiel. Whole Wheat Ezekiel Bread. Urban Simplicity: Ezekiel Bread. Hello. Likely you have found your way to this recipe via a link or a search engine. Thank you; I'm glad you're here. Hopefully you'll find the rest of my blog interesting (here's my home page). If you borrow the recipe I only ask that you give me credit and that you link it back to this blog.

Since writing this recipe I have updated it a few times and this recipe is my favorite. I eat a lot of bread; I always have. Over the years I have slowly migrated towards making and consuming bread with if not all whole wheat flour, at least some or most of it...and what I think is even better is the addition of whole grains. Like many recipes, there are as many crappy recipes for Ezekiel bread as there are good ones (yes, I intentionally chose the word crappy because, also according to the Bible, Ezekiel cooked his bread over dung). I follow the same basic ratio each time but the grains and legumes change. Here it is after 8 minutes. Then I cut it into (approximately) 0ne-pound pieces.