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I09. Linguistic relativity. The principle of linguistic relativity holds that the structure of a language affects the ways in which its respective speakers conceptualize their world, i.e. their world view, or otherwise influences their cognitive processes.

Linguistic relativity

Popularly known as the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis, or Whorfianism, the principle is often defined to include two versions: Strong version: that language determines thought and that linguistic categories limit and determine cognitive categoriesWeak version: that linguistic categories and usage influence thought and certain kinds of non-linguistic behaviour. The term "Sapir–Whorf hypothesis" is a misnomer, because Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf never co-authored anything, and never stated their ideas in terms of a hypothesis. Definitional issues and debates[edit] The concept of linguistic relativity holds that cognitive processes, such as thought and experience, may be influenced by the categories and patterns of the language a person speaks. History[edit] Io9. We come from the future. 10 Banned Science Fiction Novels.


Fourier series. In mathematics, a Fourier series (English pronunciation: /ˈfɔərieɪ/) decomposes periodic functions or periodic signals into the sum of a (possibly infinite) set of simple oscillating functions, namely sines and cosines (or complex exponentials).

Fourier series

The Discrete-time Fourier transform is a periodic function, often defined in terms of a Fourier series. And the Z-transform reduces to a Fourier series for the important case |z|=1. Fourier series is also central to the original proof of the Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem. The study of Fourier series is a branch of Fourier analysis. History[edit] The Fourier series is named in honour of Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier (1768–1830), who made important contributions to the study of trigonometric series, after preliminary investigations by Leonhard Euler, Jean le Rond d'Alembert, and Daniel Bernoulli.

The heat equation is a partial differential equation. Definition[edit] is a periodic function with period P. Where: approximates on. How To Harmonize Your Dual-Boot Setup for Windows and Ubuntu. Looking for some harmony between Windows 7 and Ubuntu in your dual-boot setup?

How To Harmonize Your Dual-Boot Setup for Windows and Ubuntu

Here are a few ways you can make the tense OS situation a little more unified and copacetic. Background When we covered How to Choose a Partition Scheme for Your Linux PC, we noticed that some people were wondering how to use a third partition between Linux and Windows to act as a storage partition. Why It’s Difficult As a few commenters pointed out, you can’t use an NTFS-formatted partition for /home in Linux. Image from, assumed fair use A Work-Around There isn’t a way to run your /home directory from a FAT32 or NTFS partition, so your configuration files and scripts will have to remain there. This isn’t a proper workaround. Map of the World Drawn Entirely Using Facebook Connections.