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RSA Animate - First as Tragedy, Then as Farce. Slavoj Žižek Quotes (Author of The Sublime Object of Ideology) [Video] Como hacer "stream" y no morir en el inten. The Matrix, or Two Sides of Perversion. When I saw The Matrix at a local theatre in Slovenia, I had the unique opportunity of sitting close to the ideal spectator of the film - namely, to an idiot. A man in the late 20ies at my right was so immersed in the film that he all the time disturbed other spectators with loud exclamations, like "My God, wow, so there is no reality!

"… I definitely prefer such naive immersion to the pseudo-sophisticated intellectualist readings which project into the film the refined philosophical or psychoanalytic conceptual distinctions.(1) It is nonetheless easy to understand this intellectual attraction of The Matrix: is it not that The Matrix is one of the films which function as a kind of Rorschach test [ setting in motion the universalized process of recognition, like the proverbial painting of God which seems always to stare directly at you, from wherever you look at it — practically every orientation seems to recognize itself in it? Reaching the End Of the World. The Art of Gratitude | 21st Century Spirituality.

Shortly after being hired by Equinox Fitness in 2004, the manager at one New York City club called a meeting for movement instructors of every discipline. Gathered one afternoon in the 19th St gym, he discussed the our psychological patterns while leading classes. Say you have 50 people in the studio, and 49 of them are having the class of their lives. They’re moving with you, fully engaged—they’re just in it. And you have one person in the corner who’s not paying attention, looking outside the room, not totally in it. And your mind keeps focusing on that one person. It was one of those moments where I thought, ‘So I’m not the only one?’ Gratitude is a discipline, one that can be challenging to instill.

In Hardwiring Happiness, neuropsychologist Rick Hanson found that people who meditate on gratitude rewire neural pathways to strengthen their connection to this emotion. In over eight years of research, Dr. Our triggers do not magically disappear. Image: travellight/