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S Lair. Dream came truth!

s Lair

MIST is HERE ! I`m proud to announce that this wonder baby of Till and Lotharek is availabale. So, lets have an answer to the question, WHY MIST? PARCP-USB. Main news download documentation About You must have heard by now that the PARCP (a short name for PARallel CoPy) has been used widely and successfully since 1996 for copying files between two computers connected via their parallel ports.


However, nowadays PC computers do not have parallel ports anymore. Instead, USB is everywhere. That's why I have developed an unique hardware adapter that basically converts the PARCP data stream from parallel port to USB port and vice-versa. The PARCP-USB adapter brings a number of advantages over the old solution with a special PARCP cable: Hardware The PARCP-USB is a little smart device, carefully designed, developed, programmed and crafted by myself (by crafting I mean modifying the case by some 3D printed element and optical fiber - the result is a piece of art :-). Firmware After soldering the hardware I have programmed the internal CPU. Atari ST/Falcon/TT, FireBee software database and version tracker - AtariUpToDate. Atari ST/TT Computers - AtariAge Forums. Homebrew Games.

Psygnosis Book - Retro Asylum.pdf - Mozilla FireFox for eBuro. View topic - recolor a full ST LOW to put used colors in first indexes - Mozilla FireFox for eBuro. If anyone is interested, even if old, rough, unfinished and with errors, i can share it with you with the GFA source (that's important to make it flexible for generated code, table calculation, specific file formats or needs ...)

View topic - recolor a full ST LOW to put used colors in first indexes - Mozilla FireFox for eBuro

It was done on purpose ^^ Kroah's Game Reverse Engineering Page - Choose your Game - ‎ :::My stuff::: Texts and tutorials I've written :::Coding::: Coding docs [rating: 100%]


Index of /ST. ‎ Index of /ST. Afficher un triangle rempli en GFA-Basic. Files.htm - GFA Archives (11/22/2007) Vincent Rivière's m68k-atari-mint cross-tools. This page is dedicated to the programmers who want to: build software to be run on the the Atari ST and compatible computers use the latest GNU tools: assembler, C and C++ compilers... cross-compile using today's computers and operating systems You will find here gcc, g++, as, ld, and other tools configured to produce executables for the Atari ST.

Vincent Rivière's m68k-atari-mint cross-tools

It means that you can use all the latest C++ features, such as templates, exceptions, STL, as well as inline assembly, to build software which will run on your old Atari ST. The original sources are provided, as well as the patches and the build scripts. It would be easy to recompile them on any operating system already supporting the GNU tools. [hemmerling] The ATARI-ST, the ATARI Falcon & the world of Digital Data Deike [hemmerling - SCADA Expertness - Energy Efficient Design - Quality Intensification for IT + Automation] Le0nik. WWW Patrice Mandin. Many Falcon developpers wonder what the blitter can be used for, when the 68030 is as fast for drawing sprites.

WWW Patrice Mandin

I answer that the blitter can do this, but in fact, it is a chip that can have other interesting functions, if you know how to use it (which is not the case for many coders). Once upon a time... Do you remember some arcade games (mainly shoot'em ups) on ST where you would have avoid many adverse shots, but where the program decided elsewhere. Or some other games (fighting ones for example) where you could touch your opponent, even if on the screen you did not see any contact. All these behaviours have one cause: collision test between sprites were not precise enough. Blitter, my friend So, I order you now to use this poor little blitter to test the collision between any type of sprites, pixel-precisely (yes!!!). How it works Before starting, look at scheme 1, which lies somewhere around, it shows us what we will have to do.

Bounding boxes The intersection zone The source The end. Dead Hackers Society : Files (Pixel painters) Bus error : 16/32 bit Atari development wiki. Atari Programming Languages. This page contains Information about Atari ST programming languages and environment.

Atari Programming Languages

There is obviously no easy answer to this question! It really depends on the requirements of your project but even more importantly of your familiarity with specific languages. Many languages are available on Atari but the most common choices are Assembly, Basic, and C. Atari Programming Languages. Les signets ATARI de François LE COAT. Le0nik.

Porting GCC to a new target. Porting GCC to a new target The case of Atari ST computers In April 2012, I wrote an article in Software Developer's Journal Extra 02/2010(4).

Porting GCC to a new target

It was about the internals of porting the binutils and GCC to a new target, based on the case of the m68k-atari-mint cross-tools for the Atari ST. Normally, you have to subscribe to Software Developer's Journal and pay a 1-year subscription to get the magazine. But exceptionally, I got the permission to redistribute it for free. Cerebral Vortex » Articles. Home Members Productions Articles Topaze Png in 68000 Links Search & contact This page lists all general articles, tutorials, docs on development and other things related (closely or not) to Atari.

Cerebral Vortex » Articles

Mes réalisations. Atari Documentation Archive. Document sans titre. The Unofficial GFA-Basic Support Site (12/11/2007) Le site de la bible atari. D-Bug: The only CDs worth their diskspace. Orion_'s Website. Didier Méquignon Home Page - Aniplayer. S Lair. Dream came truth!

s Lair

MIST is HERE ! I`m proud to announce that this wonder baby of Till and Lotharek is availabale. So, lets have an answer to the question, WHY MIST? First of all, it is a MUST for everyone who loves Amiga and ATARI ST (soon others). The idea was simple - "let`s introduce device, that will take minimal space at desk, wil be max. ergonomical and user friendly, and much more powerfull than it`s ancesstors with highest compatibility possible".

What is the MIST board? Wab. SkunkBoard Rev. 3 - Atari Jaguar - The GOAT Store, LLC. If you are interested in developing for the Jaguar, you want a SkunkBoard... and, if you are just interested in playing some of the amazing new developments for the Jaguar from developers worldwide, the SkunkBoard is your simple solution to being able to play those games! The SkunkBoard is a development tool that allows you to test your games on the Jaguar system by loading them via USB onto the SkunkBoard's Flash Memory. It allows developers and non-developers alike to explore the world of homebrew and independent games released by others, as well as play special releases you otherwise couldn't play on a real Jaguar console! Previous runs of the SkunkBoard sold out almost immediately, creating a secondary market for these boards that is often triple the original asking price!

Because of that, GOAT Store Publishing has teamed up with HarmlessLion to create a third run of the boards. A new batch of boards is in production and set to be shipped in early November! RD's x86 Tools for ATARI 8-BIT & 16/32-BIT Computers - DEGAS ELITE XL (16-32BIT) Degas Elite XL (2013-12-15): ************************ -Adding a tool in "color" folder : change only a R,G or B chanel of selected color(s) by 1 (increase or decrease). can be used with selection of colors in palette checkboxes. Can be usefull to modify general saturation aspect of a bunch of colors, in one time. -Ajout d'un outil dans la rubrique "Color" : Augmentation ou diminution de la valeur d'un canal R,G ou B d'une ou plusieurs couleurs choisies dans la palette. Peut être utile pour modifier l'aspect général d'une image sur un lot de couleurs choisies. this tool is activated in "Color" folderl'outil se trouve dans le folder "Color"

Codef - Canvas Oldskool Demo Effects Framework. Downloads and Documentation.