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Technology Instructor at a great elementary school, wife, mother, Christian, youth leader to middle schoolers, and Gamer. Love discovering new tech-y stuff.


#Metagame Book Club (plus) Augmented Reality Catalog Places IKEA Furniture in Your Home. Trekking to IKEA is often an exercise in futility.

Augmented Reality Catalog Places IKEA Furniture in Your Home

The armchairs and bookcases never look as perfect in your cramped apartment as they do in the color-coordinated showrooms. After 15 minutes, you're tired and overwhelmed and you can't remember what you even came for. IKEA's 2014 catalog aims to ease some of that angst by letting you plan ahead with its augmented reality feature. Simply place the catalog in the spot where you're considering adding a new piece of furniture, scan the catalog with the augmented reality app on your mobile device and select the desired item. The augmented reality feature then projects the item into your home by layering it over a real-time view of your room captured through your device's camera. IKEA's 2013 catalog included smartphone integration, but only featured videos and photo galleries that could be accessed via an app by scanning the catalog's pages. The 2014 catalog will be available in print, as well as on iPhone, iPad and Android. My 90 year old grandmother tries the Oculus Rift.


Gamemooc Tweetchat 10/30/13. Gamemooc Tweetchat 2/26/13. GAMEMOOC Tweetchat March 12, 2014. Pew: Social Networking Usage By Age. Grand Oak Elementary. Grand Oak Technology - Messages from the Mine (A Blog for the Grand Oak Minecraft Club) Passion-Based Learning. There is lots of talk about the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) pipeline and all of its leaks.

Passion-Based Learning

My personal mission is to fill the STEM pipeline with so many children that it bursts. To do this, STEM must be taught in an inspiring way. To keep children engaged, we need to bring passion for learning back into the classroom. Passion is hot. It is a force that sells movies and margarine and everything in between. When writing my recent book for TED, Save Our Science, I learned about the alphabet soup of instructional strategies out there, with the common theme of enticing and engaging learning.

The Power of Passion There are two ways to get a child passionate about something: Find out what each child is innately passionate about.Be an instructor that exudes passion for the topic, and infect your students with that excitement. Only a few of us have benefited from the first option, but all of us can benefit from the second one. Figure 1. I've witnessed this in my own journey. Organization (time & things) / operation organization: 7 Habits of Highly Organized People.


Gaming in Education. Education. Gaming. World of Warcraft. Ready To Raid. Minecraft. Badges. Bobharrisonset: A new Maslow's Hierarchy of... Technology. GoldieBlox commercial rewrites the Beastie Boys, urges young girls to pursue engineering, is fabulous. Coding. 5 Disruptive Education Trends - Social Innovation Minnesota. By BEN HECHT of Co.Exist At the root of many American problems lies an ineffective and outdated education system that is failing our students.

5 Disruptive Education Trends - Social Innovation Minnesota

Inequality and education have always been inextricably linked, and if we don’t fix education, we don’t fix inequality. Simply put, our citizens are not being prepared to compete in today’s global, hyper-connected economy, and, for low-income students, the outlook is especially grim. A recent Boston College study of 57 countries showed, among other unflattering comparisons, that only 7% of U.S. students (versus 48% of students in Singapore) reached the advanced level in eighth-grade math. Meanwhile, a 2012 Brookings studyshowed that “a whopping 43% of job openings require a bachelor’s degree or more.” Yet amidst all these gloomy statistics are rays of light. If Google search results and Pandora music recommendations can learn our patterns and preferences, why not education software? They aren’t alone.

The textbook will soon be dead.


Joe Strummer's Life After Death. Hide captionJoe Strummer performs with his solo project, The Latino Rockabilly War, in 1989.

Joe Strummer's Life After Death

The Clash frontman died of heart failure in December 2002. Mark Baker/Sony Music Archive/Getty Images Joe Strummer performs with his solo project, The Latino Rockabilly War, in 1989. The Clash frontman died of heart failure in December 2002. The world has been without Joe Strummer for a decade. The band's biggest single, "Rock the Casbah," released in 1982, could as easily have been about last week's news from Syria. "There's a warmth to the Clash's music which I think is part of their great appeal," says Chris Salewicz, author of a 600-page biography called Redemption Song: The Ballad of Joe Strummer.

"There's actually great melodies, and there's a great immediacy about it, combined with Joe's lyrics," Salewicz says.