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Safely and Securely Producing Media | Small World News. Training Guides Safely and Securely Producing Media ENGLISH (9MB) (9MB) العربية This guide is a collection of our best practices and suggestions we’ve made to our colleagues over the last five years. It is intended for people who may have tried to shoot one or two videos, but find themselves at a loss on how to improve their work. We split up the process of shooting high quality video into three sections, Plan your Story, Record Your Story, and Share Your Story. I’d like to thank Jesse Hambley and Ashley Low for their involvement as graphic designers on this project. We’ve had some great feedback from partners, colleagues and collaborators around the world already. We’re going to reevaluate the guide in the coming months as we continue to hear about feedback and responses from it being used in the field. Update: If you’re based in the United States, we advise you to be aware of the Surveillance Self-Defense site put together by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).

License. Record Law Enforcement Abuse. Prepare Your Digital Camera to Document a Protest. A Citizen's Guide to Reporting on #OccupyWallStreet. Read This Before You Protest: An Open Letter to Occupy Portland from a Public Defender. Local public defender Chris O'Connor is in the pages of the Mercury every week, it feels like, for stepping up to help protect the civil rights of some poor soul or another. I realize this guest blog post about what to expect at Occupy Portland today—and the crimes you're most likely to be arrested for—is too long for many internet attention spans, but it's so interesting and worthwhile that I didn't want to cut it down.

Listen up! Dear Occupy Portland: I don’t disagree with many of your goals and aims. I think that the banks and large corporations and mortgage fraudsters that made a killing off the crash need a few less bailouts and a few more criminal charges to thin out their ranks. So you want to occupy Portland. Unfortunately, I think the lawyers will be eating well after all this, and there is a high chance that you will be enjoying some of the fine meals at the county jail. Part One: A) It Is Going To Hurt. Be realistic about who is going to win a fight. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.