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Plural form. Christmas Collection - No Christmas stories until after Thanksgiving! That's the rule! -- Times Spelling Bee.


Reading worksheets - comprehension, book reports, vocabulary and other reading printables. Grammar Lapbook. I am an English teacher by training and I am always curious about different ways to teach grammar. Primarily, I taught high school students ( mostly 12th graders) and it always puzzled me that majority of the average to below average students did not know their grammar AT ALL. I would say quietly to myself- "How did you ever get this far? ". After having my three kids and watching Kid #1 go to 1st grade in public school, I began to wonder about this even more. My son would have mounds of GRAMMAR homework in the 1st grade - the same basic concepts that those 12th graders had not mastered!

Anyway, I will step off the soapbox. For the lapbook, I used large matchbook templates from Homeschoolshare and made one for each major part of speech. I used the idea of a mini office type lapbook that I saw on Lapbook Lessons to make a large pocket in the middle of the lapbook to put various sheets that I created that mimic a sentence diagram. Free Technology for Teachers. The English Blog | St George International. Create Authentic Text Based Lessons. I think we all know how potentially motivating authentic materials can be for our students, especially if those materials deal with something current and of direct relevance to our students' interests. The web is abundantly rich in these kinds of materials, but creating lessons based around authentic online materials can be time consuming and complex.

There are issues of copyright to deal with, as well as the fact that once we have created our lessons, the text we build them on may disappear. If this is a problem you regularly face, then Lingle could be the answer to your prayers. Lingle takes the process of finding text and creating lessons and exercises and turns it into a quick and simple 'click through' process. Once you have registered on the site you will see a search field at the top of the page. Lingle will then show you a list of results that match your search along with dates and information about each article. Once you have found your text though, the real fun begins. Best.


Storify your English classroom. Washington Post Storify (Photo credit: cfpereda) This year, I’m teaching Year 10 English. In our team discussions early on, we decided to apply some SAMR thinking to modify a task that was normally completed as a paper folio, with pictures pasted in and students adding their comments as handwritten text or something that was computer generated pasted in. Over the past year, I’ve used Storify to help compile tweets and thoughts from conferences I’ve attended. Storify is a wonderful curation tool being used by journalists, newspaper organisations, noted figures from Social Media circles, and even the British Monarchy and The White House! Our focus this term is a thematic study about power and greed, perfect as a lead in to out text study of George Orwell’s Animal Farm. We introduced Storify to our students, with the intention of them curating resources of their choosing that they feel link to this theme.

The students have adopted it quickly and find it intuitive to use. Google+ Like this: Teaching with songs. Books–supplemental materials « Links to All Things Free for Homeschoolers. These are lapbooks, study guides and other various read and response type things. :) The books are just listed in Alphabetical Order. To see if the book is available on this site for reading online or download, type it into the search box. Most of the advanced books on here, I put on specifically because I could also put on the book.

*Here are some “other” resource. has Shakespeare plays with the original text and modern-English text side-by-side for translation. has complete literature guides for high school level literature like Animal Farm, Brave New World,… This site has hundreds of children’s books listed along with lesson plans and/or worksheets and activities.

Edsitement! Here’s a site with great study guides for hundreds of books. Units for many books for elementary school children Here are webquests on books for all ages. Abe Lincoln: The Boy Who Loved Books lapbook The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Study Guide Lesson plans Aesop’s Fables lapbook Holes Unit.

Per scuola

Non solo didò: le paste per giocare fatte in casa! | La pasta modellabile (ovvero il didò) Di ricette per fare il didò in casa se ne trovano a bizzeffe in rete (in realtà sono praticamente tutte uguali), ma un giorno ne ho trovata una interessante e davvero super veloce su un sito britannico e ve la voglio riproporre in italiano perché secondo me vale proprio la pena, visto che non prevede né pentolini né cotture.

Vi servono: 1/2 bicchiere di sale 1 bicchiere di farina 1 bicchiere d’acqua bollente 1 cucchiaio di cremor tartaro(lo trovate al supermercato reparto dolci) 1 cucchiaio d’olio Mescolate gli ingredienti aggiungendo per ultima l’acqua. Impastate bene e appena il composto si sarà raffreddato a sufficienza sarà pronto per giocare! Per una pasta colorata, basta aggiungere all’acqua un colorante per dolci (attenzione perché alcuni tendono a macchiare) oppure potete sbizzarrirvi utilizzando, ad esempio, bevande con un colore forte. E per una pasta ancora più speciale? E per i più piccini? (Noi ci giochiamo rigorosamente in bagno!) Oliver Twist: imparare con le mani | Studenti | Prof 2.0. Sono stato ospite alla scuola professionale Oliver Twist di Como.

Ho incontrato ragazzi che si occupano di “Legno”, “Tessile” e “Servizio Bar”. Sono rimasto colpito dalle loro domande sulla scuola, sui libri e soprattutto su questioni affettive che le righe dei miei libri sollevano. Per alcuni di loro erano i primi libri letti per intero. Ne sono stato felice. Mi hanno posto domande impossibili: “Come si fa ad amare?” Ragazzi che vogliono afferrare la realtà con le mani, come sono abituati a fare con il lavoro che imparano e che amano, come si vede in questo video, nel quale li ho riconosciuti tutti.

Quanto c’è da fare in Italia per l’istruzione professionale, spesso relegata a un rifugio per abbandonati. Me ne sono tornato a casa con il cuore pieno di ordine e bellezza e uno slancio rinnovato verso il mio lavoro. Trovate qualche minuto e ascoltate questi ragazzi e ragazze. “La bellezza è per entusiasmare al lavoro, il lavoro per risorgere” (C.Norwid) A Pearltree of Free Technology for Teachers.