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trillion trees initiative

trillion trees initiative

Trillion Trees Initiative can improve climate and reduce Global Warming – Greening Deserts. Trillion Trees Initiative can improve climate and reduce Global Warming Join the Greening Deserts projects and initiatives like the Trillion Trees Initiative to reduce negative climate changes, deforestation, droughts, desertification, land degradation, floods and global warming on a large scale – especially in human-made deserts, drylands and wastelands. Different nations, organisations, personalities and institutions have already expressed their interest. Let’s make the world green again, together! Let’s plant billions or even a trillion trees to improve the climate and to reduce global warming significantely, especially with urban greening camps in urban areas.

It is maybe the cheapest and most effective solution. . Building a basic camp with a little team needs approx three to nine months, depends on the conditions and region. Visit the official pages for more information: And again!