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Gallery: russeltarr. Game. Staying Safe. Master Web 2.0 tools as a powerful learning strategy. Do you know about Web 2.0 tools ?

Master Web 2.0 tools as a powerful learning strategy

Have you mastered using them as a powerful learning strategy? Kevin Jarrett is leading a 5-week eCourse (graduate credit available) that will have you exploring: The latest Web 2.0 tools – what are they and what do they do? How to use each tool – the nuts and boltsUsing Web 2.0 tools in the context of your classroom – and how to align each technique with state curriculum standardsThe relationship between content, pedagogy, and technology and how that informs classroom practice. ICT Competency Framework for Teachers. The UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT) is intended to inform educational policy makers, teacher-educators, providers of professional learning and working teachers on the role of ICT in educational reform, as well as to assist Member States in developing national ICT competency standards for teachers with an ICT in Education Master Plan approach.

ICT Competency Framework for Teachers

Modern societies are increasingly based on information and knowledge. So they need to: build workforces which have ICT skills to handle information and are reflective, creative and adept at problem-solving in order to generate knowledgeenable citizens to be knowledgeable and resourceful so they are able to manage their own lives effectively, and are able to lead full and satisfying livesencourage all citizens to participate fully in society and influence the decisions which affect their livesfoster cross-cultural understanding and the peaceful resolution of conflict. The Teacher's Guide To Digital Citizenship. How you act online is important. Not just because everything is stored, backed up, and freely available to anyone with a keyboard. But because your online reputation is actually just your reputation. There’s really no difference between online and offline anymore.

In an effort to keep everyone behaving, Microsoft has just unveiled a new (free) curriculum that’s all about digital citizenship , intellectual property rights , and creative content .