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Kyudo.  東京武道館. Tokyo Budo-kan's Kyudo-jo(Japanese Archery Range) is unique in that it has a long range designed on top of the close range.


The long range has positions for 12 archers, and the long range has positions for 10 archers. The range is mainly used for the practice of and competitions in kyudo, Japanese-style archery. All Nippon Kyudo Federation|IKYF Member Nations|International Kyudo Federation 国際弓道連盟. The All Nippon Kyudo Federation (ANKF) was established in 1949 for the purpose of promoting and developing Kyudo, a part of the traditional Japanese culture.

All Nippon Kyudo Federation|IKYF Member Nations|International Kyudo Federation 国際弓道連盟

The All Nippon Kyudo Federation has been active in Japan and overseas for 60 years. Today there are 47 affiliate organizations in Japan and 130,000 members of all ages of males and females are practicing Kyudo. In 2006, the All Nippon Kyudo Federation played a central role to establish the International Kyudo Federation (IKYF) and 17countries including Japan are affiliated. In 2007, the commemorat ive Tai - kai celebrating the establishment of the International Kyudo Federation was held in Japan. Based on these very ideas, we, the All Nippon Kyudo Federation will continue to spread Kyudo in Japan and all over the world together with the International Kyudo Federation.

Horie Kyudo Shop. Asahi Archery dealing with Kyudo and Archery products. アーチェリー 弓道 のことなら豊島区南大塚のアサヒ弓具工業. Kyūdō. A full draw, called "kai". History[edit] A Japanese archer with targets.