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Trent Ashcraft

Quad Blogging - lessons learned. A couple of weeks ago we had our final Skype call this year with our quad blogging action research team to pull together the lessons learned from having 4 classes of students from schools around the world interact with each other using blogging.

Quad Blogging - lessons learned

As teachers we were inquiring into the impact of using blogging as a tool to improve writing. The gut feeling from us all seems to be that quad blogging has led to a dramatic improvement in some students' writing - students have stepped up and put a lot more effort into their writing as a result of producing authentic blog posts for a specific audience. Does quad blogging take more time? What is QuadBlogging? QuadBlogging Connects Student Writers with Global Audiences. A blog without an audience is like...a library without books, a car without an engine, Beyonce without a ring.

QuadBlogging Connects Student Writers with Global Audiences

Those were some of the responses David Mitchell (@DeputyMitchell) got when he asked his Twitter followers to fill in the blank. "We all understand the importance of audience," says Mitchell, an educator from the United Kingdom and vocal proponent of using blogs to engage student writers. Quadblogging vs The Graveyard of Creativity.