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Create a beautiful landscape for your front gate or plant a majestic 30-foot Norway Spruce in your backyard with the Ontario tree suppliers at Caledon Treeland. We have the best selection in the GTA. Our family-run tree farm has shade trees and evergreens to enhance your property.

11 Hottest Landscaping Trends in 2021. The past year has been a big year for the landscaping industry and several design innovations have caught our attention.

11 Hottest Landscaping Trends in 2021

New landscaping trends took us back to nature with their low-maintenance and eco-friendly approach. These trends also encouraged us to use our outdoor spaces for our usual indoor activities. Many desire an outdoor sanctuary where they can loosen up and unwind. The good news is that we can easily transform our own yards, gardens, or patios through landscape design. Do you need landscaping ideas to make your exteriors a relaxing haven? #1 Outdoor Living Areas The pandemic made us long for the outdoors.

. #2 Vertical Gardens. What You Need to Know Before Buying Privacy Trees. Ultimate Guide to Choosing and Planting Privacy Trees. Privacy trees provide several benefits for property owners.

Ultimate Guide to Choosing and Planting Privacy Trees

They add an imposing structure to your outdoor space while shielding you from street noise and prying neighbours. Besides their protective role, privacy trees also improve the air quality in your landscape and boost the value of your property. Planting the right privacy trees isn’t something you play by ear, however. It requires careful planning. Enhance Your View: Make it look Just like You. Beauty as they say has many facets.

Enhance Your View: Make it look Just like You

I believe that beauty is relative. It depends on a person’s perception and personal taste. However, when we speak about natural beauty, we think about nature and the natural order of things in the outside world. Perhaps we are all in agreement to this that nature is in truth and in fact beauty in itself. Now, how can we enhance the natural beauty of our surroundings? I think it is so much easier to enhance the beauty of the indoor than that of the outdoor. How to Save with Shade Trees. With energy costs on the rise, more and more people are looking for creative ways to lower energy bills.

How to Save with Shade Trees

While properly insulating your home and upgrading the windows are both effective efforts, one area of potential savings is often overlooked: shade. Dark colored roofs and driveways absorb the sun’s heat. Homes without adequate shade effectively turn into ovens on a hot summer afternoon. Temperatures in the shade can be up to twenty-five degrees cooler than areas in direct sunlight. Coping With Isolation Through Home Gardening. While stay-at-home measures have been effective in curbing the transmission of the new coronavirus, limiting physical interactions with the outside world has led to a new scourge.

Coping With Isolation Through Home Gardening

Several months into the pandemic, about 54% of Canadians are starting to feel lonely or isolated. Feelings of isolation are found to be more common in people aged 18 to 34. Psychologists say these feelings are entirely normal in such a challenging time. It's a Bit Mulch: Mulching Methods for a Healthy Garden. When it comes to taking care of your garden, there are a couple of things you can do to make sure your plants grow healthy.

It's a Bit Mulch: Mulching Methods for a Healthy Garden

From staking your privacy trees to laying down a layer of mulch, these actions go a long way toward making your garden all the more beautiful. Mulch is the ultimate gardening time-saver. Done correctly, it’s a great way to cut down on how much time you spend on other tasks for your garden. Some of the benefits associated with mulching your soil include: Preventing weed growth After weeding your garden, it’s a good idea to apply a layer of mulch up to 10 centimetres thick. This prevents sunlight from reaching any weed seeds, preventing them from growing and competing with your plants. How Trees Can Raise Property Value.

Home plots, whether big or small, can greatly benefit from an environment filled with trees that range from ornamental to fruit-bearing.

How Trees Can Raise Property Value

A property with trees can claim a greater appraisal value compared to those without. Adding trees to your property also provides different benefits, such as the following. Improved Home Life A house without plants will look bare and lifeless. Having greens around, especially trees, lifts up the overall look of a property from boring to full of life. 6 Marketing Ideas to Get Your Tree Care Business to the Top. Tree Moving in Toronto. Tree Moving Toronto Services that Is Excellent, Fast and Convenient No one can argue with the fact that a tree can dramatically change the entire appearance of a scenery.

Tree Moving in Toronto

In the home, trees give the entire property a breezy and calm appeal, making it look more serene and ideal to raise a family. In public areas, trees give the place a sense of life and energy. Trees for Sale Newmarket. Tree Survival Tips: Minimize Stress during Tree Moving. As someone with a green thumb, you may have come across this problem: you want to keep your green friend alive, but it’s not in the right place.

Tree Survival Tips: Minimize Stress during Tree Moving

Maybe the tree is growing into your driveway and blocking your car’s entry. Maybe it simply has outgrown its pot, container, or allocated plot of land. Earth-Friendly Insecticides to Protect Your Trees. Any good gardener would love to keep their plants free of pests and diseases.

Earth-Friendly Insecticides to Protect Your Trees

Ward off harmful critters in your garden with these homemade insecticides. Not only are these extremely effective, but they are also eco-friendly. These insecticides allow you to protect your trees without any negative impact on the planet and your family’s health. Vegetable Oil Vegetable oil is one of many horticultural oils. Oil-based insecticides were first formulated particularly to protect fruit trees during their dormant season (the stage in the life cycle of plants when their growth stops and their metabolism slows down; this occurs during cold months). Common Winter Tree Hazards (And How to Avoid Them) Homeowners who maintain well-manicured lawns often dread the arrival of winter simply because of the negative effects of extreme temperature on their precious ornamental plants, bushes, and trees. This is a reasonable concern, especially for people who have given the time, effort, and money invested in beautifying their lawns.

Now that winter is in full-force, we do not only need to pay close attention for potential tree damage but also for the potential tree hazards that can make your property unsafe. Ice and snow cause tree and landscaping hazards that can put both the household members and passersby at risk of injuries, which could result in expensive lawsuits. Winter Care and Maintenance Tip for Evergreen Trees. Evergreens proudly live up to their title — they are the perfect symbol of emerald beauty to add value and character to our landscape. Not only they are prized form their green foliage and graceful forms all year round, but evergreen trees also make effective privacy screens and windbreakers.

What is great about evergreen trees is that they are built to survive the harsh winter temperature. Unlike deciduous trees, evergreens do not lose their needles and continue to experience photosynthesis, showing a higher rate of water loss than deciduous trees. Although they thrive well in winter, they still require care and maintenance to keep them healthy, beautiful, and luscious. Easy-Peasy Ways To Protect Your Plants In Winter. The famous Aristotle once said, “To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.” It simply feels magical to stand outside with fluffy flakes falling.

We enjoy the first fall of snow and the pristine white blanket of snow all around us. How to Design a Shady Backyard. One key to enjoying your backyard is having shade. Without adequate cover, your yard might not live up to its amazing potential. Dinner parties, kids’ birthdays, and simply reading a book are all more enjoyable when you have the option to stay out of the sun. How to: Transplant a Tree. How Air Pollution Affects Your Brain: Does Smog Lower Intelligence? Air pollution is one of the major environmental issues caused by the release of biological materials (carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, lead) and particulate matter that contaminate the atmosphere. When breathing in this polluted air, people become susceptible to various respiratory problems.

New research has found that long-term exposure to polluted air can have long-term, damaging effects on the brain’s performance. Credit: Does Your Tree Need To Be Removed? City Living: the Best Trees For Urban Homeowners. The presence of trees around a home has been proven to increase property value, while providing immeasurable benefits to the home’s occupants. With city living – where noise and pollution are constant concerns – that extra touch of “green” goes a long way! However, with so many choices available, selecting the best trees for urban homeowners can initially seem daunting. Maple Trees for Sale in Toronto & Brampton. Spring Tree Care Tips. Come spring, all the trees start coming back to life. You may notice that all the plants and trees start blooming again now that winter is over.

Reasons to Mulch Your Tree and Garden. When springtime and warm weather finally arrive, our thoughts turn to our gardens, yards, and trees. For many homeowners and gardening enthusiasts, preparation for “the May 2-4” starts with raking up leaves, removing trash and other accumulated winter debris, and applying new mulch around our trees.

Mulch is a protective layer of material distributed on the soil around plants and other greenery. It’s usually composed of newspaper, leaves, wood shavings, grass, or stones. Mulching (the application of mulch on the soil around a tree) is both functional and attractive.