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Cruel Britannia: A Secret History of Torture - Ian Cobain. La traque aux conspis : contre-enquête sur le documentaire de Thomas Huchon. Depuis quelque temps, je suis régulièrement spamée sur Twitter par des messages en provenance de Spicee, un nouveau média qui se présente comme 100% vidéo, mais qui est surtout 100% PAYANT (5,90 € la vidéo).

La traque aux conspis : contre-enquête sur le documentaire de Thomas Huchon

Des messages promotionnels incessants cherchant à créer le buzz autour d'un documentaire soi-disant sensationnel sur les conspirationnistes. Je remarque que leurs messages n'intéressent personne, ils ne sont pratiquement jamais retweetés, mais je vais quand même voir de quoi il s'agit. Baronnie socialiste et scandales à répétiton Le documentaire en question s'intitule "La traque aux conspis", sorte de remake de la chasse aux sorcières, sous-titré "Comment nous avons piégé les conspirationnistes". On sent toute la délectation des auteurs d'avoir réussi à berner quelques gogos... En septembre 2013, l'homme politique, proche de Dominique Strauss-Kahn, était encore au coeur d'un scandale, où l'on retrouve justement son fils Thomas.

Production d'un hoax complotiste Crédulité partagée. They Say Cutback, We Say Fight Back!: Welfare Activism in an Era of Retrenchment: Welfare Activism in an Era of Retrenchment eBook: Ellen Reese: Boutique Kindle. Constant Battles: Why We Fight - Steven Le Blanc. La spiritualité africaine plagiée par les religions dites "révélées" Du Noir à l'Africain, histoire d'une identité. What Kind of a Fight Are We In? (Classic Reprint) - Ernest R Groves. En Corse, le drôle de « serment du Jeu de paume » nationaliste. Le Monde | • Mis à jour le | Par Ariane Chemin (Ajaccio Envoyée spéciale) Ils avaient promis une journée « historique », ils n’ont pas manqué à leur parole.

En Corse, le drôle de « serment du Jeu de paume » nationaliste

Jeudi 17 décembre, la double élection du président de l’Assemblée de Corse et du patron du conseil exécutif (le mini-gouvernement de l’île) a donné lieu à des discours et une mise en scène inédites, dans l’hémicycle corse de l’hôtel de région, à Ajaccio. A peine intronisés, l’indépendantiste Jean-Guy Talamoni a évoqué le « premier gouvernement national depuis le XVIIIe », le siècle de la « nation » corse pour les nationalistes, tandis que Gilles Simeoni appelait à « une relation repensée et reformulée avec l’Etat ».

Peu avant 20 heures, les neuf élus du « gouvernement » de l’île ont conclu la journée par une étrange prestation de serment, qu’ils avaient pensé dans ses moindres détails, provoquant la stupeur de Manuel Valls. Le premier ministre cherchait vendredi matin à joindre M. . « Ouvrir un chemin nouveau » Dans les tribunes, M. M. Guy Forzy, ancien délégué interministériel aux Rapatriés, nous a quittés - 18/12/2015 - Avec la disparition de Guy Forzy, décédé mardi à l'aube de ses 90 ans, les rapatriés d'Algérie perdent une de leurs figures emblématiques.

Guy Forzy, ancien délégué interministériel aux Rapatriés, nous a quittés - 18/12/2015 -

Né le 17 décembre 1925, au Douar Béni-Maïda, Guy Forzy est indissociable de l'histoire des Français d'Algérie. Poitiers: un trésor gothique émerge dans la cathédrale. C’est un trésor gothique unique en France, encore caché au public pour l’instant et qui ne se dévoile qu’au sommet d’un échafaudage vertigineux dressé dans la cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Poitiers: des peintures datant du XIIIe siècle, en cours de dégagement et de restauration.

Poitiers: un trésor gothique émerge dans la cathédrale

L’histoire de cette découverte exceptionnelle commence en 2012 lorsque des infiltrations d’eau sur une voûte de l’édifice, construit à partir de 1160, nécessitent des travaux de maçonnerie. Humans Are Free. Artículo: Insinuaciones de Persecución. Los autores alternativos creen que están bajo el constante ataque de fuerzas misteriosas buscando destruir su trabajo.

Artículo: Insinuaciones de Persecución

Examino el uso de las teorías de conspiración como un dispositivo para atraer lectores a las obras alternativas. En 1950, el investigador ruso Immanuel Velikovsky irrumpió en la escena con fantásticas afirmaciones de que los orígenes de la civilización, mitología y humanidad podían ser encontrados en las estrellas. 'Healer' Brian Clement who claims he can cure cancer begins UK tour today. Brian Clement who claims he can cure cancer and has been linked to the death of an 11-year-old - is attempting to enter the UK to kick off a tour A disgraced American 'healer' - who claims that he can help people cure themselves of cancer and has been linked to the death of an 11-year-old child - is today set to kick off a lucrative UK tour.

'Healer' Brian Clement who claims he can cure cancer begins UK tour today

Brian Clement of Hippocrates Health Institute lectures on Sugar - Brian Clement. Zoom : Napoléon a-t-il existé ? (16-12-2015) [non-troll] Faire confiance à (N)S(A)ELinux ou aux *BSD. Ola* LinuxFR En ce temps troublé où l'on se met à regarder l'actualité sous le prisme du dernier scandale en date révélé par le traître Snowden, la question de la protection de nos données, et donc de nos vie revient sur le tapis une énième fois.

[non-troll] Faire confiance à (N)S(A)ELinux ou aux *BSD

Personnellement je ne suis pas plus choqué (enfin, surpris du moins) que ça d'apprendre que le gouvernement 'ricain fouille dans les données qu'on confie à gmail, facebook et consorts, il me semblait que c'était déjà de notoriété publique, de part la simple existence du Patriot Act. Cryptome Reveals How Microsoft Gives the FBI and the NSA Back Doors to Crack Encryption. Summary: Cryptome has an article, comprised/composed of hard evidence, revealing ways in which Microsoft enables aggressive spies to break encryption The FBI does not even pretend not to be pursuing back doors; quite the contrary!

Cryptome Reveals How Microsoft Gives the FBI and the NSA Back Doors to Crack Encryption

It demands them and now insists on legislation that would make them mandatory. The same goes for the NSA, Microsoft’s very special partner. Anyone who still thinks that back doors in encryption are within the realm of “conspiracy theory” must not have paid attention. We wrote about such issues more than half a decade ago. The Original Magazine of the Linux Community. How i stopped worrying and loved the backdoor. How i stopped worrying and loved the backdoor A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. winston churchill first of all i have to mention that netsec involvement was indirectly one of the first financial successes of theo de raadt (later mr.t for short) as the sale of 2500 cds through the EOUSA project (one for each us-ins office in the country) brought openbsd to profitable state and allowed mr.t to finance his living by means of the openbsd project. but let us get back to our sheep (so to speak). as "the disclosure" from herr gregory perry mentioned the parts involved were ipsec(4)) and crypto(4)) framework and the "gigabit ethernet stack.

how i stopped worrying and loved the backdoor

" but see? Meanwhile in calgary... wasting no time netsec was secretly funnelling "security fixes" through mr.t that he was committing "stealth" into openbsd tree. (this i only knew years later when i was telling mr.t over a beer about the funny people i met on a west-coast trip (see later)). Why I Abandoned OpenBSD and Why You Should Too… Dear OpenBSD developers and users: Regretfully, I have decided to abandon OpenBSD and thought I would share my reasoning with this list. Why I Abandoned OpenBSD and Why You Should Too…

I thought the 4th of July was a good date to do so since my reasons address national security implications. As a group of people who take development, security, and privacy seriously, I know you will want to know why I made the drastic decision to abandon OpenBSD and never look back. And we all know Theo de Raadt, OpenBSD generalissimo of much infamy. Guerre & Paix #1 - « L’État Islamique : qui le soutient, qui le combat ? » « Le Grand Jeu » : les pulsions secrètes du pouvoir.

LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Mathieu Macheret L’avis du « Monde » – à ne pas manquer. Navigation Computer. Computer for Apollo. Le Mythomane : Vidéo de présentation du livre (Partie 2/2) Far side of the Moon. Exceptionnel : « Communisme et ésotérisme ou l’anéantissement des religions » Ce documentaire exceptionnel riche d’un grand nombre d’archives de l’époque communiste est la preuve indiscutable que le communisme est un pur satanisme.

Rien de secret, rien d’occulte, il suffit de lire les textes communistes et voir leurs comportements criminels et génocidaires. Ce sont les héritiers de ces monstres sanguinaires qui vouent une haine au Christ et au voile aujourd’hui. Cosmism1. Alexandre Douguine 1 La conception du “complot ideologique” A notre avis, on peut parler non seulement du complot politique, economique etc. -- ce que est un lieu commune -- mais aussi du “complot ideologique”. Communisme et ésotérisme partie 1/2. Communisme et ésotérisme (2/2) ou l'anéantissement des religions, quand l'homme remplace Dieu. La vérité sur le wahhabisme : des Saoud à Daech. Récemment les médias occidentaux ont opéré un tournant radical à propos du wahhabisme. Ils en parlent ouvertement, alors que jusqu’ici ils faisaient silence sur cette doctrine.

Cela signifie que les USA s’apprêtent à lâcher l’Arabie Saoudite et le Qatar. Cela fait des mois que je dis publiquement que l’Arabie Saoudite va bientôt imploser.. Abdel Aziz ibn Saoud, le roi d’Arabie Saoudite, en compagnie du président des USA, Roosevelt, à bord du Quincy, en février 1945, lors du pacte de Quincy – DR.

The Over-Soul. "The Over-Soul" is an essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson, first published in 1841. With the human soul as its overriding subject, several general themes are treated: (1) the existence and nature of the human soul; (2) the relationship between the soul and the personal ego; (3) the relationship of one human soul to another; and (4) the relationship of the human soul to God. Influence of Eastern religions, including Vedantism, is plainly evident, but the essay also develops ideas long present in the Western tradition, e.g., in the works of Plato, Plutarch, and Neoplatonists like Plotinus and Proclus – all of whose writings Emerson read extensively throughout his career[1][2] – and Emanuel Swedenborg.

The essay attempts no systematic doctrine, but rather serves as a work of art, something like poetry. Self-Reliance. "Self-Reliance" is an essay written by American transcendentalist philosopher and essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson. It contains the most thorough statement of one of Emerson's recurrent themes, the need for each individual to avoid conformity and false consistency, and follow his or her own instincts and ideas. It is the source of one of Emerson's most famous quotations: "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. Annie Jacobsen. The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World: Pedro Domingos: 9780465065707: Books. The Pentagon's Brain: An Uncensored History of DARPA, America's Top-Secret Military Research Agency: Annie Jacobsen: 9780316371766: Books.

Amazon. The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War: Stephen Kinzer: 9781250053121: Books. The Pentagon's Brain: An Uncensored History of DARPA, America's Top-Secret Military Research Agency: Annie Jacobsen: 9780316371766: Books. The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government: David Talbot: 9780062276162: Books.

What social science tells us about racism in the Republican party. Donald Trump supporters "booed" the media after a heckler was removed as the Republican presidential candidate spoke during a campaign stop last month in Birmingham, Ala. (Eric Schultz/AP) Presidential candidate Donald Trump's proposal to bar all Muslims from entering the United States has reignited an old debate about the Republican Party, which some see as the party of intolerance. Liberal critics have long insisted that Republican candidates use coded language that sounds respectable on its face but covertly signals an outdated view of race, ethnicity and religion to their constituents. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) voiced this perspective on Tuesday, saying that Trump's words and policies simply reveal the true values of the party and its supporters.

Some leading Republicans have rebuked Trump, distancing themselves and the party from his views. "This is not conservatism. FBI 'planted backdoor' in OpenBSD. Allegations that the FBI may have smuggled back doors or weaknesses into openBSD's cryptography have created uproar in the security community. Former government contractor Gregory Perry, who helped develop the OpenBSD crypto framework a decade ago, claims that contractors were paid to insert backdoors into OpenBSD's IPSec stack around 10 years ago. Perry recently warned the openBSD's Theo de Raadt of the development, years after the event, via an email that de Raadt has published in the spirit of openness.

Perry said he had waited until his ten year NDA with the FBI had expired before coming forward with the claims, which remain unsupported by secondary sources. If true the allegations mean that would have an easy way to tap into supposedly secure VPN links and other technologies based on OpenBSD's crypto stack. Perry's allegations are being taken seriously even though they don't come alongside anything substantial by way of evidence. All that is wrong with the world... Table of Contents Introduction Secure by default Security practices and philosophy No way to thoroughly lock down a system The need for extended access controls Extended access controls are too complex Conclusion References Introduction Firstly, I would to apologize for, and clarify the title of this article.

Is article on freebsd jails having backdoor true? Polytropon freebsd at Tue Jul 1 21:38:17 UTC 2014 On Tue, 1 Jul 2014 13:42:17 -0700, Sergei G wrote: > freebsd-jails-are-a-huge-security-danger > < > > Does FreeBSD 10 still have this backdoor? If I may ask, _which_ backdoor? I tried to read the full article (which is hard because the language quality is low, which I am saying with the fact in mind that English is not my native language), but I didn't find detailed information about what kind of backdoor is meant. “We cannot trust” Intel and Via’s chip-based crypto, FreeBSD developers say. This post was updated on December 16 to make clear that for most of FreeBSD's history, it wasn't possible to use RDRAND and Padlock as the sole source of random numbers fed to the /dev/random engine.

Developers of the FreeBSD operating system will continue preventing users from trusting processors manufactured by Intel and Via Technologies as the sole source of random numbers needed to generate cryptographic keys that can't easily be cracked by government spies and other adversaries. That decision, which will be effective in the upcoming FreeBSD version 10.0, comes three months after secret documents leaked by former National Security Agency (NSA) subcontractor Edward Snowden said the US spy agency was able to decode vast swaths of the Internet's encrypted traffic. In separate meeting minutes, developers specifically invoked Snowden's name when discussing the decision. FreeBSD backdoor full disclosure. Full Disclosure mailing list archives FreeBSD backdoor full disclosure From: Григорий Братислава <musntlive () gmail com> Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 08:51:40 -0500 Is MusntLive listen to Винт И Мэф, Rena, Timati and Mad-A is morning MusntLive realize is he is too real for is game and is come to conclusion that is people is know MusntLive on security point [is most real]!!

So while is many think to make fun of MusntLive, is MusntLive get last laugh. Is people say is 'OMG MusntLive is not outted FreeBSD nor NetBSD' troll statement, is people who not understand is coding port process for to OpenBSD from FreeBSD. By Date. FreeBSD jails are a huge security liability. If you’re thinking of employing FreeBSD jails in your server environment or use them to run insecure applications, it will be good for you to reconsider those options.

Jails are one some of the most vulnerable phony “security” features ever put forth by fraudsters. They have been found to be even more insecure then a basic unix chroot and worst they even make it easier to gain control of your kernel with certain types of attacks. FreeBSD project acts on suspicions over potential Intel and Via “backdoors” The FreeBSD project will diminish the importance of the so-called random number generators (RNGs) that are built into recent chips from Intel and Via Technologies, its developers have decided. This marks a new low for trust in the security provided by semiconductor vendors, in the wake of Edward Snowden’s revelations of mass surveillance. Mumblehard Malware Targets Linux and FreeBSD Servers. NetBSD: Designed to Fail. Julian Assange: Debian Is Owned By The NSA « IgnorantGuru's Blog. Unhinged Linux backdoor still poses a nuisance, if not a threat. How Debian Is Trying to Shut Down the CIA and Make Software Trustworthy Again.

How do we know that Linux doesn't have a government backdoor? : linux. Bitcoin; Technology Beyond Ideology And A Call For Evolution - Falkvinge on Infopolicy. EP LIBE #EPinquiry 11 November 2013. Coding Freedom; Can Blockchain Technology Help Build A Foundation For Real Democracy? - Falkvinge on Infopolicy. A Year Ago, The European Supreme Court Appears To Have Ruled The Whole Web To Be In The Public Domain, And Nobody Noticed - Falkvinge on Infopolicy. How the NSA (may have) put a backdoor in RSA’s cryptography: A technical primer. 50 ans de Nostra Aetate : un pas de plus dans l’abandon de la théologie catholique au profit d’une nouvelle théologie du salut qui reconnait les juifs comme porteurs de la Parole de Dieu. OpenBSD: Not Free Not Fuctional and Definetly Not Secure. Confessions of a Recovering NetBSD Zealot. Indian Court Pardons American Convicted of Planning 2008 Mumbai Attacks.

Radio Brigandes III - Novembre 2015 - Franc-maçonnerie, la blanche et la rouge. Algérie : les mystères de l'affaire « Hassan » États-Unis: les tueurs de San Bernardino radicalisés «depuis un bon moment» Branle-bas de combat : la semaine de la haine a démarré. Un rabbin déconstruit la manipulation "Daech" Le FN, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, Villiers, Zemmour... Ce qu'ils doivent à l'Action française. Russian Space Bluff: Leonid Vladimirov, D. Floyd: 9780854680238: Books. Russia and the big Red lie (A Fawcett book): Lloyd Mallan: Books. Only the US has Nukes : Ralph Epperson. Only the U S has Nukes - The proof the only USA has nuclear weapons. NIKOLA TESLA EXPERIMENT-TUNGUSKA 1908. The Forbidden Secret with Dr Stanley Monteith 2007. Is This the New Constitution for America? The Constitution of the United Republics of America Prepared in 1970 By Rexford Guy Tugwell and The Center for the Study of Demcratic Institutions: A. Ralph (Reviewed By.) Epperson: Books.

Vietnam: America's Betrayal and Treason: A Brief Review of America's Involvement: A. Ralph Epperson: Books. The Planned Destruction of America (9780963219053): Dr. James W. Wardner: Books. Hope of the Wicked: Ted Flynn: 9780966805635: Books. A. Ralph Epperson. The Unseen Hand: An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History (9780961413507): A. Ralph Epperson: Books. Amazon. Author Stanley Monteith dies at 85. Dr. Stanley Monteith, Host of Radio Liberty, Passes Away » Infowars Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Dr. Stanley Monteith. Stan Monteith. Pourquoi nous vaincrons. In-depth introduction to machine learning in 15 hours of expert videos. Gustave Flaubert et le Grand Orient de France. Newsweek. Huge Boeing Plane Produces Strong Wing Tip Vortices - Boing'lerin Güçlü Kanat Girdapları. Russia warns Thailand of possible ISIS attack. Why the Pentagon opening all combat roles to women could subject them to a military draft.

Discussion avec Jacob Cohen - vidéo Dailymotion. “The President’s Gatekeepers” documentary review. Zachary King - Former Satanic High Priest. Back to the ’80s: ‘I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics’ says ‘former Satanist’ at Procter and Gamble and Satanism Rumor. La «taxe terrorisme» va peser sur les contrats d'assurance.