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Math: Free High School Courses

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Online Statistics: An Interactive Multimedia Course of Study. Curriki Calculus. Georgia Virtual Learning Math Courses. MA001: Beginning Algebra. Purpose of Course showclose In this course, you will study basic algebraic operations and concepts, as well as the structure and use of algebra.

MA001: Beginning Algebra

This includes solving algebraic equations, factoring algebraic expressions, working with rational expressions, and graphing linear equations. You will apply these skills to solve real-world problems (word problems). Each unit will have its own application problems, depending on the concepts you have been exposed to. This course is also intended to provide you with a strong foundation for intermediate algebra and beyond.

This course provides students the opportunity to earn actual college credit. Course Information showclose Welcome to MA001: Beginning Algebra. Course Designer: Frank Appiah and Mark Arnold Primary Resources: This course is composed of a range of different free, online materials. Requirements for Completion: In order to complete this course, you will need to work through each unit and all of its assigned materials. Money Wise Teen Teachers Guide. MoneyWise Teen Lessons. Center of Math: Textbooks and videos for Pre-Calculus; AP Calculus and others. Mooculus. Math Survey Course.

Math 123, Math in Modern Society This survey course provides an opportunity to acquire an appreciation of the nature of mathematics and its relation to other aspects of our culture.

Math Survey Course

The course is rigorous but not rigid and applies mathematics to real-world problems. Prerequisite: MATH 010/025 with a grade of 'C' or better or CSI Placement Test Score. Some helpful videos (To view these, make sure you have Windows Media Player 6.0 or better. The Videos are best viewed at 640 x 480 ("Full Screen" mode is usually your best bet when your resolution is set to 640 x 480 or 800 x 600.) Our Location and Contact Information: Shields Building Rm 206B Phone: 208-732-6820 or 800-680-0274, ext. 6820 Administrator: Kathy Stover E-mail our Office Our Personnel & Addresses.

Algebra 1 Online Modules! Algebra 2 Modules. Free lessons in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and calculus. Investigating Geometry On-Line. Is a faciliated online course that uses dynamic mathematics software to investigate geometric relationships.

Investigating Geometry On-Line

Students work independently on materials. They can interact with their teacher via emails, phone calls, or face-to face visits during regularly scheduled office hours. Henrico County Public Schools (HCPS), by providing links to other sites, does not guarantee, approve, or endorse the information or products available at these sites, nor does a link indicate any association with or endorsement by the linked sites to HCPS. Because we do not control linked Web sites, we are not responsible or liable for the content, products, policies, or performance of such external Web sites.Course Software HCPS provides the following mathematics software on our student computers.

Geometer's Sketchpad: Commerical software, Fee. Curriki Free Geometry Course. Curriki Algebra1 Course. NROC Algebra IA. NROC Algebra IB. Algebra 1 - SAS Curriculum Pathways. Math courses. At you can study math online - for free.

Math courses

If you are studying at high school or are preparing for college this is the perfect place for you. We have decided to divide our material into four math courses: Pre-algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2 and Geometry - on these pages you will find all the theory needed to complete your math studies in respective field. We use state of the art teaching methods including up to date examples and video lessons. Each math course is divided into different fields and under each field you will find different lessons including theory, examples and video lessons. Are you about to take the SAT or the ACT test? All material found on is produced by our top pedagogues and is all free to use!