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Led Cube 8x8x8. A wireframe box is a good geometric shape to show in a monochrome 8x8x8 LED cube.

Led Cube 8x8x8

It gives a very nice 3d effect. We made two box animation functions for the LED cube. Effect_box_shrink_grow() draws a wireframe box filling the entire cube, then shrinks it down to one voxel in one of 8 corners. We call this function one time for each of the 8 corners to create a nice effect. Effect_box_woopwoop() draws a box that starts as a 8x8x8 wireframe box filling the entire cube. Изделия из гильз. - Форум сайта Поделки из гильз. Кому война, а кому поделки из подручного материала.

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