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RPG-motivational. Caltrop Die4 by ceramicwombat on Shapeways. All Outta Bubblegum - the RPG. All Outta Bubblegum This game is copyright 2001, Michael "Epoch" Sullivan and Jeffrey Grant. If you want to repost it or whatever, drop me an email. Characters in All Outta Bubblegum have one stat -- Bubblegum. It's technically a number which varies from 0 through 8, though the designers highly, highly recommend that you don't do anything so banal as write down a number, and, instead, pass out actual sticks of bubblegum to the players.

This will also help when you play All Outta Bubblegum drunk, which is, let's be blunt, probably the only time you'd even consider playing this game. Bubblegum always starts out at 8. Resolution Any action which does not fall under the broad category of "kicking ass" is resolved by rolling a d10. Any action which falls under the broad umbrella of "kicking ass" is also resolved by rolling a d10. Losing Bubblegum Whenever you fail a non-combat roll, you lose a stick of Bubblegum. Bubblegum also rates your damage. Zero Bubblegum There ya go. Pathfinder_OGC. Character Sheets.

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