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Gender-swapped Doctors are our new favorite form of Doctor Who cosplay. You're asking what's wrong with creativity?

Gender-swapped Doctors are our new favorite form of Doctor Who cosplay

All art in human history, good and bad, has always been about taking inspiration from something you like and than doing something new with it. I mean, what would happen without this injection of creativity? Should people stop making new Doctor Who episodes and instead rerun the original first season from the sixties (?)? Doctor Who Official on Tumblr. Angelcreations: angelcreations: So here are the three pieces I finished for Toronto Comicon this past Sunday!

Doctor Who Official on Tumblr

I’m really happy with the way they turned out and they were a big hit! It’s so amazing to go to cons and meet so many people who love the same things you do as much (if not more!) Captain_jack_harkness.jpg (JPEG Image, 750x600 pixels) - Scaled (88%)