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3 Stories That Reveal How Important Arts Education Really Is. The arts have always had a secondary place in K-12 learning. If you doubt that statement, think of the first programs to go whenever budget cuts are implemented – music, fine arts and even physical fitness which includes dance. I’ve yet to hear of a school board or administrators discussing the way cutting math programs could help the school’s bottom line. There is a hierarchy of academics in America, and arts education tends to fall pretty low on the totem pole. Let’s look at three notable events that show the state of arts education in America and what that reveals about our society. New York City schools lack arts education—and low-income students suffer the most. A report from the New York City comptroller finds that many public schools offer no arts programs, and that low-income and minority students are hurt the most by it.

The report is written based on data from the U.S. The biggest areas hit by the lack of arts teachers? The First Lady wants to make arts education a priority. Anton Malafeev sur Twitter : "MON ARTICLE ds LesEchos #Intelligence #interculturel — l'impératif de l'#éducation #nationale. Intelligence interculturelle : l'impératif de l'éducation nationale - Les Echos. Accueil Jusqu'à présent, l'intelligence interculturelle n'intéressait qu'un petit monde. Pourquoi est-il devenu urgent de l'intégrer à l'enseignement général ? (...) Cet article est réservé aux abonnés, pour en profiter abonnez-vous. Et aussi sur les Echos Les articles à la une Conso - Distribution Bruno Le Maire : « Les éleveurs ont été abandonnés par le... L’ancien ministre de l’Agriculture et député de l’Eure fustige la politique agricole menée par le gouvernement et appelle l’Europe à « reconnaître...

Stéphane Le Foll à Caen pour rencontrer les éleveurs Le ministre de l’Agriculture qui a évoqué ce matin des "aides spécifiques" va rencontrer des éleveurs. Marchés Financiers Les gagnants de la réouverture du marché iranien La Turquie et Dubaï devraient profiter en premier lieu de l’accord iranien. À lire également sur les echos Recommandé par Les articles les plus lus Livret A : que faire face à la baisse ?

Faut-il retirer son argent et chercher d’ autres placements plus rémunérateurs ? Home | Parent Toolkit. Learning and Health. The sectors of health and education serve the same youth, in the same locations, and are often treating the same or related issues. The child who is unhealthy—physically, socially, emotionally, or mentally—struggles to excel in school just as the child who is underprepared by education struggles to maintain health and well-being, often for years to come. Learning and health are symbiotic, with one serving and supporting the other.

Although this concept has been understood for centuries, we have established systems that divide the child into parts, treating them as a set of pieces rather than a whole child. This division stems not from lack of care or understanding, but from systems established, funded, and built up to view these sectors as separate entities—even when serving the same individual. 1998: Health in Education Initiative 2006: Healthy School Communities Pilot Study 2007: Whole Child Initiative 2008: Healthy School Communities Program. Transmedia Ready — Are You Transmedia Ready? The 32 most innovative online educational tools... Thinking and Feeling Go Hand in Hand in the Classroom | Daniel Goleman.

Cartographie des Savoirs - Accueil. Librairie-Interactive - Outils et ressources pédagogiques pour les enseignants. Ces révolutionnaires venus d’Asie | Le Portfolio de Reine. La révolution éducative annoncée pourrait venir d’Asie. Si de plus en plus de voix s’élèvent partout en occident et ailleurs pour remettre en question le système éducatif actuel, l’Inde me semble être pour l’instant le pays le plus avancé dans cette révolution, indépendamment du fait qu’aucune université indienne ne figure dans le top 100 du classement des meilleures universités du Monde. « Dans une société ignorante, le pouvoir se structure autour de la domination physique.

Dans la société de l’information, je ne peux pas prendre par la force une information. Je dois devenir votre ami pour que vous la partagiez. C’est un chemin vers la non-violence ».Sugata Mitra. « A hole in the wall » littéralement « Un trou dans le mur » est un dispositif créé en 1999 par Sugata Mitra dans un bidonville en Inde et qui donne ‘accès pour les enfants, à l’écran, au clavier et à la souris d’un ordinateur inséré dans le mur d’une bâtisse à travers une fente trop étroite pour une main d’adulte.’ ??? Hackademic Camps. Education and Cultural Change. Education and Cultural Change | Scientists Turn Game in Education Into Immune S... A transdisciplinary Hackaton in a Think & Do Tank. Orthographe : le blog du Projet Voltaire.

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Les gagnants du concours « Une Faute Par Jour » sur Twitter du 21 au 25 avril 2014 Voici la liste des 10 premiers de notre 97e concours d’orthographe « Une Faute Par Jour » sur Twitter, pour la semaine allant du lundi 21 au vendredi 25 avril. Ces fameuses expressions : « Décrocher la lune » Certains jours, on se sent pousser des ailes et rien ne semble pouvoir nous arrêter. . « exigeant » ou « exigent » ? C2E - Campus Européen d'été de l'université de Poitiers.

Foster Skills, Inc. About | TDed. In today’s K12 schools, students usually encounter potentially related skills and content knowledge in different classes, at different times in the school year, and with few connections between traditional content areas – math, science, social studies, and language arts. While this subject-centered approach allows for specialization, too often it promotes compartmentalized thinking, fortifies intellectual barriers, and snuffs out cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural epiphanies that are essential for navigating a 21st century marketplace.

By making contemporary, real-world issues the organizers of the curriculum, students (1) become more engaged in school and (2) are forced to think along multidisciplinary and multicultural lines in order to address broad, complex questions and offer real-world solutions. Many Ways to Tell a Story: How Transmedia Is Transforming Education In and Out of Classrooms. For one language arts class project, a middle school teacher in Shelburne, Virginia, Chad Sansing, asks his sixth graders to read Peter Cherches’s 1986 poem “Lift Your Right Arm,” and then translate it into computer code. The poem occurs in action sequences—for example, “Lift your right arm, she said. /I lifted my right arm.” Sansing and his class conceive a list of actions, sketch ideas of how to code them, using icons or letters, and then code the poem. In doing so, the students become producers of both a new language and way of seeing poetry. Sansing’s students have also translated the poem’s code into Scratch, to create animation, and into LEGO Mindstorms EV3, a robot-programming language.

This innovative way of engaging students with poetry is just one example of how educators are increasingly integrating transmedia techniques in their teaching and assessments. What is the point of this activity? From Gift to Pat the Bunny Teaching “Inanimate Alice” “Caine’s Arcade” as transmedia play. TransmediaMIX: a Transdisciplinary Hackathon in a... Registration, Paris. Invalid quantity. Please enter a quantity of 1 or more. The quantity you chose exceeds the quantity available. Please enter your name. Please enter an email address. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter your message or comments. Please enter the code as shown on the image. Please select the date you would like to attend. Please enter a valid email address in the To: field.

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US Zipcodes need to be 5 digits. TRANSMEDIA MIX: Transdisciplinary Hackathon in a Think & Do Tank. TRANSMEDIA MIX: Transdisciplinary Hackathon in a Think & Do Tank. Technology, Higher Education and You. | E-Learn... TransmediaMIX. Quoi ? L’Institut de Recherche et d’Innovation du Centre Pompidou accueille le TransmediaMIX. Entre les modes BARCAMP et HACKATHON issus de la culture numérique, le double objectif est de réaliser une œuvre collaborative collective et une preuve de concept transmédia. La thématique : “LES ACTEURS DU CHANGEMENT ET L’EDUCATION”. Le CHALLENGE est ouvert à tous et se déroule in situ et en ligne. Il est expérimental, ludique et international.

Il vise à co-créer une œuvre avec l’aide de mentors et médiateurs présents sur place et en ligne. Comment ? Tout le monde est participant, tout le monde gagne. Pour qui ? Tout public.Réservez vos places Où ? Centre Pompidou, Paris, salle Triangle, Place Georges Pompidou 75004 Paris Le samedi jusqu’à 19h00 et en continu sur Internet #transmediaMIX Communiqué de presse Dossier de production TransmediaMIX est un événement organisé par Transmedia Ready en partenariat avec l’IRI, OUN, Transmedia Resources Kit, Klynt, Transmedia San Francisco et Transmedia Alliance. Oprah Winfrey Harvard Commencement speech | Harvard Commencement 2013.

TRANSMEDIA MIX: Transdisciplinary Hackathon in a Think & Do Tank. TransmediaMIX | Futur en Seine 2014. TransmediaMIX | Futur en Seine 2014. Oprah Winfrey Harvard Commencement speech | Harvard Commencement 2013. TRANSMEDIA MIX: Transdisciplinary Hackathon in a Think & Do Tank. TRANSMEDIA MIX: Transdisciplinary Hackathon in a Think & Do Tank. Education: Measuring for Success in Today’s World | Education. Education: Measuring for Success in Today’s World | Education. TRANSMEDIA MIX: Transdisciplinary Hackathon in a Think & Do Tank. KHenthusiasm : #Fairies & #Alchimists... TransmediaMIX: a Transdisciplinary Hackathon in a... Registration, Paris. Ecole communication SUP'DECOM - Nantes. Transmedia Education: Learn with Stories — Transmedia SF. My first formal exposure to transmedia was in my university class called Digital Culture, taught by English professor Gideon Burton. Although transmedia was only part of what we covered in that class, it became one of the most groundbreaking classes in my college experience.

Gideon Burton conducted his class differently from most other professors, especially the other English professors. It was tailored to our interests and had some value outside of the university. We didn’t just turn in a paper to be read only by the professor. We were encouraged to interact with people outside of the university, we kept blogs, and our projects became part of the vast network of digital culture. It felt like our work mattered. It was, in part, transmedia that made that class so different. Evidence is suggesting that storytelling is becoming a powerful tool to teach with. “After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.”

Others have clued into this fact. Montecarlo: #TransMad11 map of the wor... Small Blue Thing: No education without game... Montecarlo: #TransMad11 educational ga... Montecarlo: #TransMad11 educational pr... Small Blue Thing: Veanlo (y luego creenlo) R...