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Prospect for Business Using LinkedIn and Twitter Together. Let’s assume you know whom you want to work with, but you just don’t move in their circles. How can you make yourself known without cold-calling (or risking rejection)? Simple. Try networking and nurturing a relationship with social media. This article will help you prospect using the power of LinkedIn and Twitter (together). #1: Get Your House in Order First First, you need to do some housekeeping before you put yourself forward, and by that I mean clean up your LinkedIn profile.

Does my professional headline say exactly what I do, does it contain key search terms, is it a little bit creative and does it make use of the full 120 characters? When you tweet these four areas, you stand out from the crowd a little. Don’t be tempted to write it in the third person; write it as yourself. Go Over to Twitter Now hop over to your Twitter page and make sure that the information in your profile has a similar message. There’s more great information on Twitter here and LinkedIn here. Very cool! The promised brand: How to get there - FORTUNE Features - Fortune on Unvarnished Changes Personal Brand Reputation Management Forever. The web, in general, has always been a positive place for personal branding. No one is going to write someone else a negative LinkedIn recommendation, and even if they did, it doesn’t have to be accepted and published.

Most people aren’t going to speak poorly of another individual in a public saying because it makes them look bad as well. They are easily identifiable based on their name, picture and language, and their negative comments are search-able. But, you will always have critics, trolls, and other types of people who seek to do you harm online, but those opinions are typically washed away by the power of community. On November 23rd, 2009, I wrote a post called “The Personal Brand Marketplace of the Future.” I knew that the future would be different for our brands because the world isn’t full of care bears, rainbows, and peace. There are wars, robbery, rape, violence, etc. People trust recommendations Online reviews and your personal brand Unvarnished reviews personal brands. A shel of my former self.

HOW TO: Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn. Dan Schawbel is the bestselling author of Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success (Kaplan, April 09), and owner of the award winning Personal Branding Blog. He just released the latest issue of Personal Branding Magazine, featuring Evander Holyfield. We've given you a detailed process on how to build your personal brand on both Facebook and Twitter. Now it's time to go over how to do the same on the number one professional network, LinkedIn. Whether you're a job seeker, consultant, entrepreneur or happily employed, LinkedIn can be an incredible asset for your career. 1. Your LinkedIn profile needs to be absolutely flawless, since you'll be judged harshly by recruiters who are analyzing you to see if you fit their corporate needs. How to brand your profile Custom URL: Your LinkedIn URL should appear as " Headline: Your headline will automatically be displayed as the last job you've had, unless you change it manually. 2. 3. 4.

For Online Brand Reps, Getting Personal Can Be Tricky - Advertising Age - Digital.