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Ipad. Office 2.0 Database - My Office 2.0 Setup. 50 Online Applications and Sites to Consider. For those of you already pretty much deep into social media applications, skip ahead and blaze through the list.

50 Online Applications and Sites to Consider

If I’ve found five sites/applications that you haven’t seen or considered, leave a comment and give me a point. For the rest of you, here’s a list I put together the other day when thinking about just how much of my computer use is spent online and attached to the web. Some of the applications I point out aren’t things I use currently, but I have used them, and/or have an account there. For those of you who are getting involved in social media a little bit at a time, consider this a list of things you might check out a little bit at a time to see what appeals, what fits into your workflow, and what you can dismiss as unnecessary for your needs.