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Trading Mastery School

Laurens began his journey in capital management and finance at boutique Venture Capital firm in the Netherlands. It was there that he realised his true passion for managing money, and more specifically, beating the market.

How to Create a Multi-System, Anxiety-Free Stoc... Yesterday Doesn’t Matter — Laurens Bensdorp – Site Title. Trading nirvana is when you get to the point that your daily results don’t matter to you anymore.

Yesterday Doesn’t Matter — Laurens Bensdorp – Site Title

I know that sounds crazy, so let me explain. The only thing that matters to the elite traders of the world is the progress towards the defined long-term objective. To Be a Successful Stock Trader, Define Your Objectives in These 8 Categories. The following is adapted form Automated Stock Trading Systems.

To Be a Successful Stock Trader, Define Your Objectives in These 8 Categories

When I ask anyone who wants to invest what their objective is, the first answer they all give is, “I want to make as much money as possible with the lowest risk possible.” That’s what everybody wants, and frankly, it’s a terrible answer. 82: How to Lose Money by Ignoring Your Own Rules with Laurens Bensdorp – How To Lose Money. This is a lesson that everyone in business needs to learn.

82: How to Lose Money by Ignoring Your Own Rules with Laurens Bensdorp – How To Lose Money

Often we know the right thing to do, but we don’t do it. In this episode, we tackle how to overcome this dilemma. Laurens Bensdorp is the founder and CEO of Trading Mastery School and author of the book The 30 minute stock trader. After reaching the pinnacle of success in two different industries, Mr. Bensdorp poured himself into mastering securities trading, and over the last 14 years has amassed a trading record that places him in the top 5% of all traders while simultaneously developing a clientele of students who have learned to replicate his success. Time Stamped Show Notes [2:00] In the investing world, you need to have specific rules for when to buy and when to sell stock. . [4:35] It’s easy to become a stock trader and to become a successful trader and beat the benchmarks is difficult and one needs to study a lot. [6:50] While consistently losing money, Laurens noticed his need for a system to survive in the investing area.

Laurens Bensdorp (Author of The 30-Minute Stock Trader) Amazon. Amazon. Laurens Bensdorp (@laurensbensdorp) Quantifying Your Risk Tolerance - Laurens Bensdorp. Incorporating your risk tolerance into your automated trading strategy may sound like a difficult thing to do, but I’m going to share with you a quick and easy way to quantify your tolerance.

Quantifying Your Risk Tolerance - Laurens Bensdorp

But first I want to provide some background for perspective. In chapter six of my book, “The 30 Minute Stock Trader”, I explain how utilizing both a percentage factor and an actual dollar amount may help you to more precisely define your personal risk tolerance. For example, if you have $1 million in the market, and the market reverses against you and you lose 20%, how do you feel? No Stock Trader Is Alike: Find What Works for You. 217 Laurens Bensdorp, How to be a 30-Minute Trader. The 30-Minute Stock Trader: Laurens Bensdorp - Author Hour.

Laurens Bensdorp is the founder and CEO of Trading Mastery School.

The 30-Minute Stock Trader: Laurens Bensdorp - Author Hour

Over the past 10 years, he’s made a risk-adjusted return of more than five times the S&P 500. In this episode, you’re going to learn a better strategy for investing — whether you are an experienced trader, or just starting out. What is the #1 take-away from your book? The main take-away is that it’s possible to trade profitably, and have consistent annual double-digit returns, beating the benchmark, using a simple automated trading system, and only working 30 minutes a day.

It isn’t only for sophisticated investors. We use historical data, and on a daily basis, we have our decision-making process programmed into the computer. Trading Mastery School. What I will teach you isn’t hard-but it does require discipline and commitment.

Trading Mastery School

The research, innovation and years of soul-searching have already been done. By me. Actually, size DOES matter – Laurens Bensdorp. Every now and then I hear someone bragging about the price at which they bought such and such stock.

Actually, size DOES matter – Laurens Bensdorp

It’s always when they happen to be in a profitable trade, of course. You don’t ever hear of people bragging about how they overpaid by 20 or 30%, do you? But this is the wrong metric. The thing to be bragging about is that every trade of yours is the right size relative to your risk tolerance. If you’re putting 2% into every trade because that’s what your rules call for, then it doesn’t matter what you paid for ABC stock because you’ll be comfortable with it. Laurens Bensdorp (@tradingmasteryschool) Plans That Perform When Things Go Wrong – Trading Mastery School. Years ago a friend of mine shared an anecdote I’ve never forgotten.

Plans That Perform When Things Go Wrong – Trading Mastery School

He was in the venture capital business and explained how even the best investors would often lose 90% of the time. That’s right; world class venture capitalists lose on nine out of ten companies they invest in. Either the company goes out of business, struggles to stay alive, or never does well enough to generate a return on investment. What few people realize is that it’s just 10 percent of the deals that make venture capitalists extremely wealthy. That one deal out of ten is so successful that it more than makes up for all the other losers. I asked him how he knows which ones are going to be the winners. In other words, his entire investing strategy is built around the expectation of failing most of the time. Trading Mastery School. VIP Elite On Site Training (Institutions and Accredited Investors Only) Mr.

Trading Mastery School

Bensdorp has been hired to consult by sophisticated investors on a one-on-one basis in the US, Hong Kong, Japan and Australia. He is available on a limited basis for in-person, intensive training for institutions, family offices and sophisticated, high net worth investors seeking the fastest and most comprehensive path to higher returns. The five day, on-site training consists of:• Five hours a day of ‘hands on’ training• Complete personalized training methods• Fully customized trading platform developed for you• Weekly support phone calls for six months (if needed)• Unlimited email support for six months This VIP/Elite on-site training is appropriate for experienced investors, professional traders and institutions who are looking for rapid implementation of the time-tested methods of Mr.

If you believe you qualify for the VIP Elite on-site training program, you may complete the application below. Trade Without Fear – Trading Mastery School – Trading Mastery School. I sense a lot of fear in the world today.

Trade Without Fear – Trading Mastery School – Trading Mastery School

Do you? From the highest echelons of power in governments and corporations, successful, smart men and women are exuding fear. You can hear it in their voices, see it in their eyes and observe it in their body language. I’m reminded of an old saying; “Good times make for soft men; hard times make strong men”. Let’s face it…with a few relatively minor, brief interruptions (9/11 and the liquidity crisis come to mind), those of us in first world countries have had it pretty good.

Peace While They Panic - Laurens Bensdorp. As I’m writing you today, the markets were down BIG. Tomorrow they might be up BIG. Who knows? Trading Mastery School.