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Human Rights Watch sur Twitter : "Top 20 Tweets of the Week #socialmedia... Most Popular on Twitter - Top Tweets of the Week. Curalate sur Twitter : "Make your social media images shoppable - read how! How Urban Outfitters Utilizes User Generated Content on Instagram. Teen Creator of 'Clouds' Viral Music Video Dies of Cancer. Zach Sobiech, creator of the "Clouds" song that became a viral YouTube hit, died of cancer on Monday. He was 18. "Zach was at home and at peace with those he loved most," the Children's Cancer Research Fund said in a statement announcing Sobiech's death. "Zach's life ended just as he lived, embraced by the love of his family, friends, grace and music. " Sobiech had been fighting osteosarcoma, a rare bone cancer, for the past four years after his diagnosis at age 14.

Last May, after treatment options ran out, doctors told the Minnesotan teen that he had up to a year left to live. Since his diagnosis in 2009, Sobiech had been writing farewell letters in the form of songs to his friends and family. As a result, thousands of supporters donated to cancer research in his name. Earlier this month, media company SoulPancake released a documentary about Sobiech's life, below. Screenshot image courtesy of YouTube, TheWoollyRhino. Ramon DeLeon - "The Lee Iococca of Domino's Pizza" For Good.

6 Innovative Fundraising Campaigns for Sandy Relief. Hurricane Sandy may have passed through the Caribbean and the East Coast of the United States last week, but for many people, Sandy is still here. The destruction and displacement the storm caused in its wake still tops headlines, as people amp up relief efforts and donations for those still without power, clean water and other essentials. SEE ALSO: Incredible Kid Donates All His Halloween Candy to Sandy Victims Since Hurricane Sandy affected such specific areas, it hasn't been possible for everyone to go out and volunteer on the ground. Established organizations, groups and individuals have been doing what they can from their own homes or neighborhoods, using technology and online services such as Indiegogo, Amazon and Facebook to raise money and offer help to those who need it.

Here's a roundup of inspiring and innovative ways people have supported Sandy relief causes with the Internet and technology. 1. 11-Year-Old Opens a Pop-Up Internet Café in New Jersey 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Iain Macadair - Google+ - I can't vouch for all the statistics or the proposed… Leyla_a: RT @PRNewswire: StockTwits @ppearlman speak today 2pm EST on #SocialMedia's impact for. | पत्रिका | रब को मिली अच्छी ओपनिंग. The Shorty Awards - Honoring the best of Twitter and social media. ING Direct Café :: Chicago, IL. Krystyn Chong. Web content producer. online community guru. Passionate about tech, animals, video games & helping people understand the dynamics of social interaction on the internet.

I dance when nobody is watching, sometimes I video it. Find my iPhone in my hand at all times: Beta? You want me in QA, where they call me Alpha, professional bug stomper. If there's a hiccup in your code, I'll find it. Game on. You name it, I've played it.

I love to create videos for fun and as a way to test/learn new software. Apple lover. Questions? Readme: seeme: pokeme: tweetme: spinwithme: ♫ back in the day: A cool video music blog I'm apart of. W a t c h m e External Links.

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