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Cosplay building tutorials. Armormaking for the Fiberglass Phobic. DH2 - Definitive HOW-TO - Costume and Propmaking Tutorials. You can make theatrical costume armor from various materials...

DH2 - Definitive HOW-TO - Costume and Propmaking Tutorials

Fiberglass, slush resin casting, paper machie and vacuumformed plastic are the most common methods used today by most hobby costumers. A few craftsmen have been bold enough to delve into the art of metal fabrication with their armors, but that is only for the 'brave and bold'. Working in metal is very costly, and takes a lot of brute strength to see an armor to completion. We here at Studio Creations, we prefer making our armor from vacuumformed plastic. Vacuumforming is the most economical and fastest way to make multiple armors at once, and it's how they made the armor in the Star Wars movies, so we tend to go with the materials used in the movies to when replicating something.