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Manage Social Networks with Email - Constant Contact NutshellMail. Empty Your Inbox with the Trusted Trio. Try This Gmail Filter to Rope Off Mailing Lists and Newsletters. Ten Must-Have Gmail Filters Available for Download. Syphir Adds Awesome Advanced Filters to Gmail. How to Wipe Out Spam Email in Your Inbox. Email Charter Lays Out 10 Rules to Save Us All from Drowning in Email. Top 10 Email Productivity Boosters. SExpand The first message one could consider email was sent more than 30 years ago, and that's probably when people began associating angst and uncertainty with the words "Inbox" and "unread messages. " The tools available to read and send emails have advanced considerably since then, but what you actually do with all that chatter, without eating up entire days of work time, is up to you.

Luckily, we've covered a wealth of filtering and processing methods and software tweaks that make email less stressful and time-consuming over the years, and a list of our top 10 productive email boosters is after the jump.P 10. Mark/Prioritize messages sent only to youP If you're inside a big firm, or just part of a big email group, you probably get a lot of messages that aren't really addressed to you directly, but they land in the same bin as the others. 9. 8. 7. Sometimes we're our own worst enemies when it comes to email clutter. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. What inbox helpers and tools did we miss?