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Stocks/Portfolio. Deals/Comparison Shopping. Google. Car. Suit Up. Books. Psychology. Email. Exercise. Playstation 3. Posterous Swaps Blog Platform for Social Network. Simple sharing service Posterous is shedding its blog origins in favor of becoming a full-featured social network.

Posterous Swaps Blog Platform for Social Network

The startup has dramatically redesigned its website, overhauled its user dashboard and vamped up its iPhone app with a retooled focus on private sharing. The new Posterous even has a new name: Posterous Spaces. Posterous Spaces merges the startup's two products — sites and groups — into one unified experience with a glossy new look and a stronger emphasis on sharing, social networking and content discovery. Delicious.


Welcome to Posterous Spaces. Social. Business. Music. Dropbox. Productivity. Paperless, Scanning, PDF, eBooks. Music. PC. Streaming. Free Online Learning/Courses. Pearltrees videos. Help. Travel. Android.