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Design. Design. Free Currency Sign Download – Top 20 Economies | Signs & Symbols. Today’s vector download includes the currency symbols, or currency signs, of the world’s top 20 economies. Whether you’re looking for a vector file of the new Indian Rupee symbol, the Euro sign, the US dollar sign or the old British Pound symbol you’ll get what you’re after by clicking on the download link beneath the following image. This currency symbol list has been put together using GDP data for 2010 as compiled by the International Monetary Foundation and below the download link you’ll find the GDP figures listed for all the countries represented. Please note that many of the European currencies included are actually no longer in circulation as they have been replaced by the Euro. For convenience’s sake I’ve marked these with an asterix: Download: Currency Symbols for the Worlds Top 20 EconomiesFile Type: AI (Illustrator) Like this: Like Loading...


The collection | 300 Random icons. LEIBHOLZ BLOG- lucas leibholz. REJECTS - the blog of Joe Bluhm. I decided to 'start trying' again. Let me explain:It's VERY easy to get caught up in making money, when working in a competitive market of retail caricature. Though I am down to a minimal work schedule (2-3 days per week), there are still the full-timers that are scraping to make as much as possible with our commission-based job. This doesn't just mean that everyone merely tries, it means that the ones that somehow have an inexplicably attractive sketch or demeanor, are also the greedy ones, who will do anything and draw boring, stamp-like (all the same) sketches, putting little effort or 'art' into their work. When working beside one or more of these artists, one must learn how to adapt in order to make it worth one's time, monetarily.

Josh pong design. Blog | Design for Newbies. Mascot Design In Real Time. Hello, this is Sergio Ordóñez from SOSFactory and this time I'm going to talk about my workflow used to design mascots for websites. This process in this article was described in real time as I created the designs. Let's look at this more closely. This article was originally published on Psdtuts in September of 2008. Introduction This time I wrote this post as the job was being developed. This way you’re going to see how the order is developed, from the first sketches to the final result, I hope I won’t miss anything… What stress! Also, notice this is not a Photoshop tutorial where I explain everything in depth (for that I already wrote a really detailed tutorial about mascot design in Photoshop).

About the Client I want to keep your attention, so to give it a mysterious touch, I'll just drop some info: Client: Mafia Death, an online game based on mafia stories.Order: Design of five characters and design of logotype. Descriptions: Summary Day 1: Sketching the First Three Characters Regards!!! How to Draw Caricatures: The 5 Shapes. This series of “How to Draw Caricatures” tutorials are a just a small taste of a larger and much more in-depth book I wrote called The Mad Art of Caricature! The book is 175 full-color pages, lavishly illustrated and contains greatly expanded explanations of the concepts presented in these tutorials, as well and a great deal of additional material on caricaturing other facial features, posture, hands, expression and more, techniques on drawing from live models, doing caricature for freelance illustration and for MAD Magazine.

This is a must have book for anyone interested in caricature, cartooning or humorous illustration. You can order it online here. Part One: Basic Theory and the Five Shapes These kinds of things always start out with a definition, but “caricature” is a hard thing to pigeonhole into a single sentence. Likeness- If you can’t tell who it is supposed to be, then it is not successful. Teaching Someone to See The Five Shapes What does that have to do with caricature? 50 Clever Tutorials and Techniques on Traditional Drawing. Advertisement Traditional drawing is certainly way harder than digital and it is true that people are able to progress much faster digitally, but one should learn the traditional type of drawing and painting before starting digital drawing, since it often lays out the foundation for screen design.

This article contains a mixture of traditional drawing tutorials, drawing techniques and some methods for transforming and preparing your creations for screen design. Some are intermediate level and some are advanced tutorials that include general theory, useful tips, comic inspired art, sketch a pencil drawing, coloring processing, character sketching, shapes, proportional, perspective and much more. We hope that drawing tutorials and techniques in this post will be a great help to you.

Traditional Drawing Tutorials Marilyn Portrait TutorialA truly fantastic drawing tutorial to learn how to draw a portrait of Marilyn Monroe with pencil. Traditional Drawing Tips & Techniques It's done. Watercolor Sketches on Behance. Owl (with step-by-step) on Behance. Paint a Professional Caricature Portrait in Photoshop – Psd Premium Tutorial || Kumpulan Tutorial Terbaik untuk Mendesain Karakter dan Maskot ~ desainstudio | tutorial Photoshop dan Illustrator, desain grafis dan seni visual.

Kumpulan Tutorial Terbaik untuk Mendesain Karakter dan Maskot Mendesain karakter dan maskot selalu identik dengan menggambar sebagai skill dasar yang sangat dibutuhkan. Namun di era digital dewasa ini, hanya dengan punya kemampuan menggambar yang baik tidaklah cukup, desainer grafis dan illustrator juga dituntut agar mampu mengeksekusi gambar sketsa kedalam format digital menggunakan berbagai program grafis seperti Photoshop dan Illustrator. Berikut ini adalah kumpulan tutorial desain karakter dan maskot yang menurut saya sangat membantu untuk mengeksekusi ide dasar dan gambar sketsa ke dalam format digital yang biasa digunakan dalam projek-projek desain dan illustrasi karakter. Semoga bermanfaat!

2. 3. 4. 5, How to Create a Vector Illustration and Prepare it for Micro-Stock Sale 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Tetap update informasi, tips, dan tutorial desain grafis dengan mengikuti FACEBOOK dan TWITTER Desain Studio! Share On: DiggGoogle + Posting Lebih Baru Posting Lama. How to Illustrate a LeBron James Cartoon Character. Hello fellow vector artists, I am a cartoonist/illustrator who specialized in retro style vector cartoons. You can find more of my work and books at my web site. In this tutorial, I'll show you how I use Adobe Illustrator to create vector cartoons. Introduction I am a freelance independent cartoonist specializing in vector based retro cartoons and character designs for magazines, skateboard deck designs, and packaging designs.

I have a somewhat complicated process because I don't use strokes or brushes on most of my shapes. Final Image Preview Below is the final image we will be working towards. Sketch I start by scanning in the hand drawn sketch. Step 1 I start by importing the scanned image into a 7" by 8" CYMK Illustrator file. Step 2 I set the layer with the drawing to Template in the Layer Options palette. Step 3 After zooming in I Use the Pen Tool to trace a silhouette of each element of the figure. Step 4 Here I have traced the outline of the figures main body. Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8. Welcome to The Computer Graphics Society. Gnomon School of Visual Effects | Gallery. Zosia z ulicy Kociej 1 / BOOK SERIES on the Behance Network. CGPortfolio - yinxuan Li Dezarmenien. 3D Interpretations of Real People, by Michael O. – with Exclusive Interview.

Today, PxlEyes has the great pleasure of interviewing a professional digital artist: Michael O. He has given an exclusive interview for us and our readers, which will inspire many other artists. Along the way, we also present a showcase of his brilliant work. He has the unique talent of making ultra-realistic 3D interpretations of people. Let’s get started… enjoy! Q: When did you take the first step into digital art with Photoshop? A: When I started high school in ’96, the computer had not yet taken the design world by storm so all of the classes I had were in traditional art mediums. In my junior year I took a class in AutoCAD for mechanical drafting, which I found boring so I would sit in the back of the class and play around in Photoshop and 3D Max. “Last Race” Q: How did you make the transition from amateur to professional? A: By luck of course! “Under My Skin” Q: What’s the hardest part about being a freelance artist?

A: The unpredictable paycheck can be very frustrating. “Apple” Nike. 50 Sketchy Vector Drawings Made with Vibrant Lines. 40+ Cartoon Character Illustration Tutorials. Advertisement Everybody likes cartoon characters. They make us happy and keep our mind tension-free. We present here beautiful and mind-blowing Cartoon Illustration Tutorials for you. This article contains a mixture of Photoshop and Illustrator tutorials. Some are intermediate level and some are advanced tutorials that include coloring processing, character sketching, pen tool tricks for tracing line art sketches, shapes processing, vector conversions and much more.

We are sure all of the tutorials in this post will be a great help to you. You may want to take a look at the following related posts: Cartoon Illustration Tutorials Draw figures in an anime style5Melissa Somerville uses drawing and inking techniques in Photoshop to create an enchanting anime-style fairy. Color your fantasy figures6Refine your Photoshop tool skills to color your characters and situate them in magical fantasy environments. Drawing cute anime kids25 Tips And Tricks Re-color artwork using Illustrator’s Live Color34. Kaek's deviantART Gallery. Fizzgig's deviantART gallery. The Elfwood Search Engine. Graphix1 - Part 12. In searching for these outstanding photographs, I came to the conclusion that photographing mountains is not as easy as it may first appear – I honestly thought I would struggle to decide which great photos to leave out of this list – instead, it took an age to source these beautiful images.

A Google search for the reasons returned an article by Darwin Wiggett, who states: “Of all the landscapes I have photographed, mountains remain one of the most difficult to capture well.” The reason for this, according to Wiggett is that light is the only tool for capturing a shot of a mountain, and to get a great shot you have to consider the three main categories of light: Light Quality, Light Direction and Light Temperature. If you are interested in reading more, visit Darwin Wiggett’s article How to Photograph Mountains published by Nature Photographers Online Magazine.

Here are 20 photographs of mountains that I consider to be stunningly beautiful shots. Geek Art – Art, Design & Lightsabers. Fresh Roasted Graphics. MonkeyWorks Illustration. Mercedes Benz: Left Brain - Right Brain, Paint. Digital Art Served :: Gallery.