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Amazing Fact Generator. Heat_small.jpg from Popular Quotes. Science & Tech. Finances. E-Books & Reading. The Wargamer | For All Your Strategy Gaming on the 'Net. At first glance, battles appear to be resolved in the most basic, time-honored “Results Table” fashion: the computer matches the power, effectiveness, and leadership bonuses (if any), modifies the odds appropriately if terrain is a factor, then rolls the dice. One side may get creamed and automatically retreats (if there’s an open route that allows withdrawal), or both sides may exchange blows and inflict damage without there being a clear victor. “Blitzkrieg” events are not uncommon—if an attacking armored unit rips a suitable hole in the enemy’s line, and it still has enough momentum, fuel, and moral to keep going, it can perform “exploitation” moves through any gap created by the retreat or extermination of an opposing unit.

Actually, combat is a LOT more complex than the usual crude scissors-rock-paper calculations, and surprising upsets can and do happen frequently. “Leadership” is also factored in, if a noted general is attached to or within command range of a unit. Mind Mapping. Create your own one-of-a-kind product. Elige un producto Comienza eligiendo cualquiera de nuestros miles de productos. Personalízalo Puedes personalizar el texto, el color y mucho más. ¡Ya es tuyo! Añádelo a tu carrito, cómpralo o véndelo. La experiencia de personalización de Zazzle funciona mejor en un navegador de ordenador. Estamos trabajando en una experiencia móvil, pero hasta que esté lista, por favor vuelve a visitar esta sección en tu ordenador.

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