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4 avril 2012 à Syntagma

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Ce qu'il s'est aussi passé le 4 avril à Syntagma. Le 4 avril 2012, environ deux milles personnes se sont réunis place Syntagma à Athènes pour commémorer le suicide le jour même de Dimitris Christoulas, un homme de 77 ans. Cet homme s’est donné la mort d’une balle dans la tête à côté d’un arbre et face au Parlement, sa lettre : « Le gouvernement d’occupation de Tsolakoglou* a supprimé ma capacité de survie qui se basait sur une retraite digne que j’ai moi même payé (sans l’aide de l’État) durant 35 ans. Compte tenu du fait que mon âge ne me permet pas de réagir individuellement de façon dynamique (bien que si un autre Grec prenait une Kalashnikov, je l’aurais suivi), à moins de chercher dans les poubelles de quoi me nourrir, je ne peux pas trouver d’autres solutions aussi dignes que cette fin. .

Je pense que les gens sans avenir finiront par prendre les armes et pendront les traîtres sur la place public de Syntagma , comme les Italiens l’ont fait avec Mussolini en 1945″. La commémoration tourne à la répression Source : AFP. 7/4/ 2μ.μ. ΣΗΜΕΡΑ O αποχαιρετισμός στον Δημήτρη Χριστούλα! « Real Democracy GR – MultiMedia Team. Grief and silent rage during Dimitris Christoulas funeral Αποχαιρετισμος του Δημήτρη Χριστούλα Το Σάββατο στις 2:00 έγινε από το Α’ Νεκροταφείο Αθηνών η πολιτική κηδεία του Δημήτρη Χριστούλα, οπου αποτίσαμε φόρο τιμής και πλήθος κόσμου μετά την κηδεία πραγματοποίησε πορεία προς το Σύνταγμα. Περισσότερες φωτογραφίες Αποχαιρετισμός του Δημήτρη Χριστούλα. 7//4/ 2012 Dimitris Hristoulas Like this: Like Loading... 04/07/2012 un suicide politique: des milliers Assister GR Christoulas «Démocratie funéraire« réel - l'équipe multimédia. Greek photographer hospitalised by police « SaveTheCrisis.

Greek photographer hospitalised by police Posted by Polyfimos on April 7, 2012 · Leave a Comment Greek photographer Marios Lolos, President of Press-Photographers Union of Greece is undergoing brain surgery after reportedly being beaten by riot police in Athens yesterday. We wish to extend our union branch’s solidarity and best wishes. Journalists have every right to gather news without being subjected to intimidation and violence. The targeting of journalists is completely unacceptable and the police officers responsible should be brought to justice.

The National Union of Journalists London Photographers’ Branch stand shoulder to shoulder with the Press-Photographers Union of Greece and all those who gather news. We hope that Mario recovers from his ordeal and his colleagues, reporter Panagiotis Bousios and journalist Makis Synodinos who were also injured, make a full and swift recovery. Jess Hurd London Photographers’ Branch Chair On behalf of the London Photographers’ Branch Committee. Souvenirs inflexible lutte à l'enterrement de Dimitris Christoula [photo] Dimitris Christoulas and the legacy of his suicide for Greece | Maria Margaronis. People gather at the site where Dimitris Christoulas fatally shot himself in Syntagma square Photograph: Thanassis Stavrakis/AP Early in February I tried to take the Athens metro and found it closed because of a suicide on the line. The cabbie who picked me up thought the deceased was an idiot: "What was the point of killing himself like that?

He should have blown himself up in parliament and taken four or five of those crooks down with him. " The 77-year-old retired pharmacist who shot himself in Athens on Wednesday didn't do it in parliament but in Syntagma Square; still, his death has sparked a small political explosion. He's neither the first nor (almost certainly) the last in Greece to take his life because the crisis has destroyed his livelihood and his dignity. Greece used to have the lowest suicide rate in Europe; the official number has doubled since the crisis began. The politicians, eyes on forthcoming elections, have struggled to find usable capital in the moment. Note found on Syntagma suicide victim.