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Graffiti Creator. 17 weird ways to say weird. Tired of the word weird?

17 weird ways to say weird

At Oxford Dictionaries, we decided to that it was time to come up with some alternatives. Next time you want to observe how weird something is, why don’t you try ostrobogulous out for size? Or how about the over-the-top mondo bizarre? 1. Far-out Unconventional or avant-garde. 2. Slightly risqué or indecent, also applied arbitrarily to things which are bizarre, interesting, or unusual in some other way. 3. Unusual and startling, or beyond the bounds of what is usual or considered correct and proper. 4.

Odd, weird, ‘freaky’. 5. Bizarre or crazy. 6. Very bizarre or tastelessly bizarre. 7. Looking or sounding bizarre or unfamiliar. 8. Peculiar or individual. 9. Amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic. 10. Amusingly eccentric. 11. Unconventional or unusual. 12. Funny or amusing in a slightly odd or peculiar way. 13. 100 Exquisite Adjectives. By Mark Nichol Adjectives — descriptive words that modify nouns — often come under fire for their cluttering quality, but often it’s quality, not quantity, that is the issue.

100 Exquisite Adjectives

Plenty of tired adjectives are available to spoil a good sentence, but when you find just the right word for the job, enrichment ensues. Practice precision when you select words. Here’s a list of adjectives: Subscribe to Receive our Articles and Exercises via Email You will improve your English in only 5 minutes per day, guaranteed! 21 Responses to “100 Exquisite Adjectives” Rebecca Fantastic list!

100 Mostly Small But Expressive Interjections. David Bier Thanks for this – what a fun post considering there’s no actual narrative in it!

100 Mostly Small But Expressive Interjections

Cecily Some of these interjections are quite culturally and age specific, so if people need to be told what they mean, they should probably not be using them.For example, to many Brits, va-va-voom is not old-fashioned at all, but instead is firmly linked to the long-running ads that footballer Thierry Henry made for the Renault Clio.

Himanshu Chanda Whoa ! These Puns are Terrible and I Love Them (18 Photos) Monika aka arseniic on deviantART is an artist and illustrator based in the United States.

These Puns are Terrible and I Love Them (18 Photos)

In an ongoing series, Monika draws cute illustrations to accompany terrible puns that will make your eyes roll. You can find all of her punny illustrations on deviantART as well as her tumblr themed page, ‘Pundemonium‘. If you’re interested in prints, a few of them are available through Red Bubble. Now without further adieu… Math Tech-Enhanced Instructional Resources. Best Free PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes · SlidesCarnival. 60 Ways Math Teachers Can Use Google Classroom - Teacher Tech. Tagul - Word Cloud Art. 10 Additional Things You Can Do With Google Classroom. Excel 2010 cheat sheet. Powerpoint 2010 cheat sheet. Word 2010 cheat sheet. The Teacher's Box of Tricks: No prep, collaborative active learning strategies.

Does lesson planning take you HOURS?

The Teacher's Box of Tricks: No prep, collaborative active learning strategies

Are you spending way too much time thinking up or searching out a creative, engaging way for kids to practice what they’ve learned? Have your students lost interest in school because you're forced to give them so many boring test prep worksheets? The solution is simple: add more engaging activities to your teaching “box of tricks”! I’m sharing my own personal box of tricks: no-prep learning activities that I’ve tested out in a wide variety of classrooms for more than fifteen years. You can plug these activities into almost any lesson as a way for students to practice the concepts/skills you've taught them.

Bad Leaders : Narcissists, autocratics,... Best Dumbledore Quotes. Bloomin' Apps. This page gathers all of the Bloomin' Apps projects in one place.Each image has clickable hotspots and includes suggestions for iPad, Android, Google and online tools and applications to support each of the levels of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.I have created a page to allow you to share your favorite online tool, iOS, or Android app with others.

Bloomin' Apps

Cogs of the Cognitive Processes I began to think about the triangular shape of Bloom's Taxonomy and realized I thought of it a bit differently.Since the cognitive processes are meant to be used when necessary, and any learner goes in and out of the each level as they acquire new content and turn it into knowledge, I created a different type of image that showcased my thoughts about Bloom's more meaningfully.Here is my visual which showcases the interlocking nature of the cognitive processes or, simply, the "Cogs of the Cognitive Processes".

Ten things everyone should know about teachers. Published on January 3rd, 2016 | by Mark Anderson Teachers are enthusiastic and dynamic, highly intelligent and share a passion for wanting to make a difference in this world.

Ten things everyone should know about teachers

They can also be quirky however and this is as a result of there being no other job like theirs. They become a breed apart from the rest of the working world in many respects, living in Teacherland and driving themselves towards a goal of ongoing improvement. With that in mind, I hope they will find something here that is recognisable within themselves. It is their ability to laugh at themselves, reflect and develop that I admire most.


Resources. Games. Maths Puzzles. Free Technology for Teachers.